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I sat at the kitchen table beside my mom. My father sat across from me. It was silent between us. My mom talked about her day but it was hard being around him again.

I had been home for a couple weeks but he had been away on buisness. He had flown in yesterday.

"Farkle why don't you tell your dad about how your company is doing?" My mom urged despite my silent protest.

"Its good." I grumbled hoping that would satisfy her. It didn't. "A lot of buisness. Quite a few new customers since Ive been here." Being the boss had its perks. I had left work for over a month and still had a job. I was taking phone calls from the office every hour but it was worth it to be home. Even if things werent great with my dad.

"Good to hear. " He replied.


"Im going out tomorrow so you two will be home alone and i expect you to spend timw together." She said strictly. I nodded awkwardly as did my father. "Good."

The next day it was as she said. The two of us sat in the living room. The tv was on but neither of us were watching. It was just background noise to our tension.

After a half hour of this I couldnt take it.

"Im sorry." We both spoke at the same time. We paused to see who would talk first.

"Im sorry I didnt support your dream. I have been trying to make it up to you ever since but I know its not enough." He explained, a guilty look on his face.

"Im sorry I have been making it so hard on you. I know you've been trying." I replied. My dad smiled warmly, something I hadnt seen in a long time.

"So how about we go up to your room and break out the old game consoles." He suggested, a mischievous look on his face.

"Sounds good to me." We stood up and headed towards the elevator.

"I bet I can beat you now."

"Not a chance old man." And as the doors closed I got a quick glance of my mother smiling as her favorite men were finally reunited.

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