Chapter eight

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Today was Saturday. Ahh, Saturday... One of the greatest days ever created. I mean it. I fucking mean it. Damn. So usually, I sleep in. But for some reason, I woke up early. Not sure why, but I have a bad feeling about today. I stayed in bed, trying to go back to sleep, but no matter how hard I tried, it was no use. Soon, I gave up. I decided to go eat something but I found out that there was nothing to eat. Which meant that I have to shopping. I went back to my room (I was in the kitchen of the building) and went to grab my purse. But when I went to get it from it's usually place, I couldn't find it. I went around my very tiny apartment (it only consisted of my bed, a small table with a bowl holding my key to the apartment), turning the apartment upside down.
Then, I found it under my bed, beneath one of my pair of jeans. As I was about to get up, I saw something sticking out of the wall. I moved my neatly stacked clothes aside and pulled it out gentle. It looked like a piece of paper. In fact, it was a piece of paper. A really old one. I sat down on the bed and looked at it. I flipped it over and saw what it seems like a address. Then, I flipped it around and saw a red dot on the other side. Then I realized it was a letter. The red dot must be a seal. I went to see who was it for and from but I saw nothing but a faded smudge of ink. At first, I thought it was for my really nosy and noisy neighbors (man, let me tell you: it's hard living in my apartment, especially when it's them). After all, the walls are really thin. They are so thin that my neighbors could hear me and I can hear them. So maybe the letter somehow got through the wall and ended up on my side. But curiosity got the best of me; hey, who knows? Maybe the letter was addressed to me. I opened up the envelope carefully because the old paper might fall apart. It said a series of letters and numbers, just like a code.

NF JB 20 19 V

"What the hell?", I thought. What was this? I searched everywhere on note for any more writing on or at least a scribble or two, but that piece of paper didn't have a single mark on it.
I decided to throw it away, but I had a weird feeling, like I needed it. I decided to put away the letter back in it's envelope, but I saw something. I pulled it out and found a pen. A pen in the shape of a carrot. Weird. I study and examine the mechanism, looking for any clue or hint. Then, I found a button. Clicking it, I heard a weird sound. I didn't get it. It was weird; all of it was strange. I rolled my eyes and sat the pen down on my desk. What ever this was, it was all to weird for me to handle.

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