Chapter twenty-nine

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Hilda cursed herself. Dammit. She had only one chance and she blew it. She could have killed the Rabbit-Fox but thanks to that damn raccoon, she feared for her cover and the Organization. She had to keep a low profile. After all, the citizens were suspicious of them more than the Organization were of them.

Another thing she was mad about how her blood thirsty sword soon became dull. Now she was back to square one: sharping her blade.

However, at least she got slashed the Rabbit-Fox.

But it wasn't enough to kill her.

Sparks fly as she sharpen the blade faster with rage. Her rage of the Rabbit-Fox and her parents.

More Sparks flew as she took the speed a little bit faster.

She remembers it well...

That pathic rabbit and that fox scum took her for a crime that she didn't even committed. When she was found by Lord Xetrix, she vowed to give them revenge they deserve.

But she found out that they were dead right after Lord Xetrix told her of birth of the monster, The Rabbit-Fox.

Lord Xetrix told all the members of the organization that two of different species and categories were to mix their blood and work off their love into one another, a horrible monster is said to come. And it happened.

Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde created a vile being and two animals can never mate ever. And for that, the Organization has every right to kill her and racist to her. And to make sure this will never happen again, they must take over Zootopia.

The members will be handsomely rewarded if they kill Judy and Nick's daughter. And for that everyone join the Organization.

Each member is special. They each have a ability unlike the people of Zootopia. Indeed, they were special. Special enough to be in The Organization Zodiac.

But Hilda must kill the Rabbit-Fox and this time she will die.

With a blood thirsty sword, poisonous knifes, and sharp shurikens, Violet Hopps-Wilde is sure to die.

Along with a raccoon by her side.

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