Emilia's POV The tickets have finally been booked. Me, Lilly and Hanna are all going to Why Don't We's concert in a few weeks. I'm waiting for my mom to come ask what I spent a crap ton of money on, as I know she'll be pissed but I don't care. I know it'll be a great night. We're all getting matching outfits to go in, and I got us Vip tickets so we get to meet and take photos with the boys.
Text convo between Emilia, Lilly and Hanna. E: I've got out tickets! L: Where are we placed? E: We're standing at the front H: I knew you'd get us good tickets E E: Do you know the best part? L: What??? H: Spill the beans E: They may also be Vip tickets... L: OMG E you're the bestttttt H: I love you E! E: Let's go to the mall later to get our matching outfits H: Meet you there at 3? L: Sure E: See you then Xx End of text convo
*At the mall* My mom dropped me off at the mall 10 minutes early so I sat looking through my instagram feed until someone jumped up behind me. I turn around to find Lilly and Hanna staring me down. "You scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed to them. "Yeah, that was the plan" Hanna replied, laughing with Lilly. We took a detour to Starbucks to get our iced coffees. First clothes shop was forever 21, where we all got black ripped jeans and black backpacks. We had already decided to all wear our white high top converses, and to wear our hair in Dutch braids. Next stop was urban outfitters, where we picked up these red crop tops with a white collar on them. We then went to a jewellery store and got these rose quartz necklaces and pearl earrings. After, we went to Chipotle for dinner then called our moms to come pick us up.
Lilly's POV Holy crap! We're gonna be squad goallsss at the concert. Everyone else will be shook at how good we'll look and be jealous af.
*The day of the concert*
Hanna's POV It's the day of the concert! We're all meeting at Em's place in 10 mins to do our hair and makeup. I get changed into the clothes we're all wearing, go downstairs and grab a smoothie from the fridge. I heard a shout from the front of the house. "Han come on, we've gotta go" I stuff my makeup bag and a couple other things into my new backpack, grab my phone and hop into the car. We go pick Lilly up then drive round to Emilia's.
Emilia's POV I can't wait! It's the day of the concert. The girls are coming over in 10 so I need to get dressed. I jump into the shower, then put my new clothes on. I then pack my bag as there is a knock at the door. The girls must be here! I run down the stairs and open the door to be ambushed by two balls of energy hugging me. "Hey girls!" I say to them. "Hello Emilia" They say to me in unison. We dash up the stairs and get ready. We decide on putting glitter in our hair.
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Emiliaa.P: The squad is going to the why don't we concert! Why do I look so short? Throwback to my old silver hair😂💜 Tagged : Lilliana.xo, Itzhannam Comments Liliana.xo Lmao love my shortie😂💜 Itzhannam Can't wait until later💛💜 ******************** *Skip to the concert* As I'm standing in the crowd, I notice that Jack freaking Avery keeps staring at me. At first I think it's not on purpose, but after a while it feels a bit odd. I keep singing and dancing, pretending that I don't notice Jack watching me.
Lilly's POV As we're enjoying the concert, I notice that Jack keeps looking at Em. I think that Hanna notices too, but we don't say anything about it, just quickly glance at each other.
*Queueing for pics with the boys*
Jack's POV As we're taking photos with the fans, I notice that the girl is next in the queue. She looks like an angel, if I must be honest. She walks up to us with her friends and hugs everyone, but I hang onto her for longer than everyone else does. She says her name is Emilia. They all give us a letter each, take a photo, then leave. "You wouldn't let go of that one" Zach says to me, seeing I look down. I frown and sit down. To be continued... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys! I hope that you enjoyed my first chapter. This is my first book on here so sorry if it's bad lmao😂❤ I want you to know that I'll be posting quite often. Words: 807❤️