I wake up at half five in the morning to finish packing. Today we're leaving for tour. The first place we're going is Nashville, which is a four-hour flight. I have a feeling I'll get stuck sitting with Zach or Dani, who are very energetic on planes. I finish packing my stuff into two large suitcases, then take them downstairs. The boys still aren't ready to leave, so I start helping them pack their stuff. Christina is taking the same amount of stuff as me, and she's already packed so she's helping Corbyn. I go back up to mine and Jack's room, to find Jack almost finished packing "Hello noodle" I say to him, then walk over. He looks up and sees me, then smiles "Hello princess" He replies and kisses me. He then puts his hands on my stomach, which hasn't grown yet, and hopefully won't for a while. We went to the doctors the other day and they ran some tests. Everything's going okay so far, which is great. I start grabbing stuff from the closet and neatly putting it in, whilst Jack grabs his hair products from the bathroom. When we try to close the case, it won't shut so I sit on the top. It still doesn't shut, so I go grab Christina, who sits on it with me. We finally manage to shut it, so Jack carries it downstairs to where most of the boys already are. Just as the uber arrives Zach rushes down the stairs "Made it!" He shouts, whilst taking his bags outside. We all laugh, then take our stuff out.
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(I've already used this outfit I'm pretty sure but whatever)
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(Em's outfit & makeup)
Once we're at the airport, there are around fifty fans standing there waiting for us. We take pictures with them until we need to go for our flight. We've been handed loads of presents, which we manage to shove into our carry-on bags. When we get on the plane, I manage to get a seat next to the window, and far away from Zach and Dani. Jack's seat is next to me, so we watch a few movies together. Across the aisle, I see Zach pestering Jonah and Dani, which makes me glad I'm not sitting with him. I rest my head on Jack's shoulder, then slowly fall asleep.
I wake up to someone kissing me "We're here" They say. I open my eyes and smile when I see Jack "Hey" I say, then grab my bag and phone, then get up. I check the time on my phone, which is around one in the afternoon. We regroup with the others, then go get our suitcases. Me and Christina both have two, so our hands are full. There are fans standing around with posters when we arrive, so we take photos and sign things with/for them. Corbyn takes one of Christina's suitcases, whilst Jack takes one of mine. We walk outside to the car that we'll be travelling in for the next two days.
We arrive at the hotel after around half an hour in the car. When we step out, my jaw drops. The hotel is really fancy, so I guess the boys asked to go all out for the first stop. David (The boys manager) walks over to us "There are four rooms; one with a double bed, two with king sized beds, and one with two single beds. It's up to you guys to decide who goes where" He says, then walks off. The boys start arguing over who's staying in what room, so I clear it up for them "GUYS! Me and Jack are sharing a room with a king sized, and so are Corbyn and Christina. As Jonah's the oldest, he gets the room with the double bed. That leaves Dani and Zach to share the twin beds" I tell them, then go grab the key for my and Jack's room. I don't do elevators, so I drag my suitcases up the three flights of stairs. Jack is right behind me when I open the door to our room. I see him get his phone out and open up snapchat, so I drop my bags then run and jump onto the bed. Jack starts laughing, so I know I did the right thing. I don't bother to unpack my stuff as we aren't staying here for long. I lay down on the bed and nearly fall asleep. I would of if Corbyn didn't come banging on the door, yelling that everyone's going to get food. "Come on princess, we need to get some late lunch" Jack says to me, picking me up. It's like four pm, so I'm starving, but I just want to sleep. "I wanna sleep" I mumble in response, but I guess I have no choice now. I manage to grab my phone and the door key before Jack takes me out of the room, which we would have been dead if we had forgotten. We meet the rest of the boys in the main lobby, then go to a café close to the hotel. Me and Jack share a milkshake, because we're that cliché couple. I get some pasta to eat, whilst the boys all get burgers. The concert is tomorrow, so we have a sound check before the concert. We're probably all going to sleep for hours, so I tell the boys to set alarms for ten in the morning. Once we've finished eating, we go back to the hotel and all gather in mine and Jack's room. We watch a movie on the tv for a while, then everyone goes off to their various rooms. I scroll through insta on my phone and look at some pictures of the fans at the airports earlier. I like and comment on a few of them, then put my phone down. "I feel like doing something productive right now" I tell Jack, whilst sitting up. He looks up from his phone "Such as?" He asks. "I haven't posted on YouTube for a while" I say to him. He nods his head, grabs the key and leaves the room. He comes back a few moments later with Dani's guitar. He sits on the bed while I set up my camera equipment, which I brought with me just in case. He starts to play the chords for photograph by Ed Sheeran. We decide to sing this song, as we both love it so much.
"Hey guys it's Emilia. Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, but if you don't know already, I'm starting tour with Why Don't We tomorrow, so if you haven't got your tickets go buy them now! That's why I'm filming this in a hotel room right now. But anyway, today I'm going to be singing a cover of photograph by Ed Sheeran with my favorite member of the band; sorry guys if you're watching this"
Jack smiles and waves at the camera "Hi guys, I'm Jack Avery and I'm part of Why Don't We as Em said. We're on tour right now so yeah. We have the nicest hotel room too which I guess is nice" He laughs, looking at me. He kisses the top of my head, then starts playing the guitar. We finish recording the cover, so I need to sign off.
"I hope you guys enjoyed this cover and all that. I'm not going to be uploading as much lately as I'm on tour but stay tuned as things may come up. I love y'all and I'll see y'all soon" I say, then turn my camera off. "That went well" Jack says, then kisses me. I nod my head, the start to edit the video on my laptop. After an hour of editing, it's finally finished, so I upload it. I read the comments for a while, then put my laptop away and go snuggle down into Jacks arms and fall asleep to him singing to me.
Hi people!
Its 2am so I should probably get to sleep but I can't so I'm writing. I'm not tired though which is strange for me. I always want to sleep. I've had 3 pop tarts which might be the problem. I'm most likely on a sugar high right now. I'll probably just wake up early tomorrow tbh. I'll upload this tomorrow too though. I went back to school today :( I have so much Spanish homework that I haven't started so I should go do that. I'll stop sharing my thought process with you now.