Chapter 31

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Emilia's POV

I look up at the door to see an auburn-haired woman walking through. A woman who I thought had forgotten me. The woman who didn't contact me on my birthday. The woman who has completely blocked me out for an entire year, with no reason to.

My mother.

I sent her an invite, but I didn't think she'd actually attend. She doesn't have my sister with her, as I'm supposedly 'A bad influence' to her. She walked over to me as if nothing were wrong. She even gave me a small smile. "Congrats on the baby" She said. I look at her with a confused facial expression. I knew this wasn't the reason that she'd come over. "Thanks, I guess" I reply cautiously. She looks at me with a smirk, then comes closer. "It won't be there much longer" She says, then kicks me in the stomach with a lot of force. I shriek, then fall to the ground. Everyone around me gasps, then Jonah and Daniel chase after my mom, who has run off. She's a coward.

At this moment in time, you wouldn't have known that the woman who was just here was my mother. I thought that I was meant to be able to trust her. I'm disappointed that she is my guardian. I'm disappointed that I ever called her my mother. Although she lied to me about being a Seavey, I thought that she might love me at least a little. I thought that she respected me. Clearly not.

I'm bleeding badly, so Jack picks me up and takes me to the car. All the guests leave, and Christina and Corbyn drive to the hospital in another car. Zach stays at the house to wait for Jonah and Daniel, as they're still out. Just as we get to the hospital, I feel my whole world go black.

Jack's POV

The hospital is an amazing yet dreadful place. Many lives are saved, but many are also lost. I take Em in and rush her to the desk. Once speaking to the staff, Em is quickly placed onto a bed and pushed through into a different room, which is authorised access only. When Corbyn and Christina arrive, they come straight over to me and attempt to calm me down.

I'm scared. I can't help but be scared. Scared for Em's life, scared for the baby's life.

I rest my head onto Corbyn and cry into his shoulder. Christina has her arms wrapped around my waist, but Corbyn doesn't say anything, as he knows that she's helping me. Doctors keep rushing in and out of the room that Em is positioned in, which is making me slightly more nervous each time. My heart is slowly breaking. It's like a china plate being dropped on the floor hundreds of times. It shatters even more each time something happens, and when stuck back together, a tiny piece is missing.

Soon enough, the rest of the boys and my mom arrive. My siblings have been left back at the house, as it's traumatizing enough for me, and I don't need my siblings joining in the pain that is happening in this place. Daniel is feeling the same pain as me, as he's Em's brother. No one understands how much he actually cares for her.

After a while, a doctor calls out my name as I was the one who arrived with Em. I walk over to him with Daniel. "How is she?" I ask as soon as I arrive by him. He nods his head "She's doing well. She should become conscious again in a few minutes" I smile when I hear this news. "And how's the baby doing?" I question. The doctor smiles again "He's doing perfectly fine" I look at Daniel in shock. I'm going to be the father of a little prince? I then smile and thank the doctor. "Emilia is in room 263, you can visit her now" He says, then walks off. I go and tell the others the news, but Corbyn and Christina already knew the gender of the baby. We all walk down to Em's room, and I go and sit down on the chair next to the bed. Everyone else sits on other chair around the room, except there aren't enough, so Christina sits on Corbyn and Zach sits on Jonah. We all think that Jonah and Zach have something going on, but they won't say anything to confirm it.

I take Em's dainty little hand into mine and rub my thumb on the back of it. I sit like this for around five minutes, until I feel her fingers wriggling in my hand. I look up to see her smiling at me "Hello, Queen Emilia" I say to her with a smile, addressing her in a terrible British accent, just as she told Logan to this morning. "Why King Jack, it's so nice to see you" She replies with a grin in her amazing British accent. Everyone else joins in on our conversation after a while, talking about everything except what happened a few hour ago. I have lost all my respect for Em's mother after what I saw.

Well if it wasn't for her, me and Em would never be together. I don't see why her own mother would do this on purpose. Everyone seems to have noticed that I've zoned out, so they have started yelling at me. "Earth to Jack" Daniel says. I look up to see everyone staring at me "Hi, how are you?" I say, then everyone starts laughing. I'm not sure why, but they can't stop for a few minutes. I only asked a simple question and they burst out with laughter. I love these kids. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I do.

After a couple more hours of stupid sentences and jokes, the doctors come in and say that Em is free to come home, so we almost run out of the hospital. We hop into the three cars that we brought, and drive back home. When we get back, we finish cutting into the cake, which was almost forgotten about. Even though I already know the gender, it's nice to see Em's reaction to the news. She starts crying then hugs me. Afterwards, we all eat cake then go to bed.

Still have what feels like hundreds of exams left. I've definitely failed science, which I was meant to find out the results for today, but I didn't because my stupid ass teacher couldn't be bothered to mark it. Or I was meant to find out yesterday, if I post this tomorrow. I'm really confusing myself. I had an English exam, which I might just about pass, but I'm not sure. I had a history exam today! That I might just pass, but I didn't revise so then again, I might not pass.

I'm going to a party at a water sports lake on Saturday and I'm really self-conscious, so I'm scared for that.

I'm also still not over the concert. I miss seeing the beauty of the boys! I was watching through one of the videos with one of my friends and we noticed Jack winking at me. I DIDN'T CRY... okay maybe I did but we don't talk about that.

I listened to the boys new single hooked today! It's amazing and I've already learnt most of the words

Also, Liza Koshy and David Dobrik broke up. I cried for an hour when I found out. I'm glad that they're still friends.

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