Chapter 21

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*Next morning*
Jack's POV
When I wake up, Em's wrapped in my arms. Her hair is spread out like a fan on the pillow and her eyes are closed. I kiss her on the forehead, then her cheeks, and finally her lips. Her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me "Morning pumpkin" I say to her. She looks at me strangely "Morning prince charming" She replies with a smirk. She then gets up and walks to the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on, so I leave her be. I go and get changed into some black skinny jeans and a black shirt, because that's all that's in my closet. When Em walks out, she already has makeup on her face (Makeup👇)

 When Em walks out, she already has makeup on her face (Makeup👇)

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(Outfit☝)She walks over to the closet and picks out one of my shirts

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She walks over to the closet and picks out one of my shirts. I sit on the bed and scroll through my phone whilst she changes. Someone comes through the door and jumps on top of me "GOOD MORNING PEOPLE" They yell. I throw my phone across the room and Em manages to catch it. "I hate you Zach" I say when I look up at him. Em walks over and passes me my phone. "You guys might want to avoid Daniel at the moment" He tells us, with a frown. Me and Em look at each other confused. "Your walls aren't soundproof" He says, then starts laughing. Em goes a deep shade of red, then grabs some knee-high boots and walks downstairs. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how pissed is Dani?" I ask Zach. He looks at me. "I would say a 7" He replies "He is Em's brother though" I nod my head, then slip downstairs.

Jonah and Corbyn are sitting with Em on the couch, eating breakfast together. I grab a pop tart, then go and join them. Jonah and Corbyn look at each other then smirk, so I roll my eyes and wrap my arm around Em's waist. She leans her head on my chest and smiles at me. Her face suddenly flushes of color and she gets up and goes to the bathroom. I walk over and go inside to find her on the floor next to the toilet "Are you okay Em?" I ask her, then go sit next to her. "Yeah, it must have been something I ate last night" She replies, but I feel like this might be untrue. I get her a glass of water, then go sit back with the boys. Zach has joined the group now, so they're messing around "Anyone know where Daniel is?" I ask them. Everyone shakes their heads, then we hear footsteps coming down the stairs. The boys look at me with fear in their eyes. Dani walks into the room, then stares at me for a solid minute "Hey" I say, trying to break the tension in the room. He walks up to me "I'm not that pissed at you because I know that Em loves you but be careful. If you break her heart, I break your face" He tells me, then walks off to the bathroom. I guess he talks to Em for a while, as he doesn't come out for another 10 minutes. When he exits, he brings her with him. They both sit on the couch together and keep glancing at me.

Later on, we all have to go to a business meeting about tour, which starts next week. Before we leave, Dani and Em pull me into the office and hand me something. I look down at it to see a positive pregnancy test. I stare at it for a few minutes, then look at Em. She smiles and waits for me to say something, but no words are coming out on my mouth. I walk over and kiss her on the cheek, then hug her "I love you" She whispers in my ear. I smile "I love you too" I reply. The boys start yelling at us to get a move on, so we grab our stuff and get in the car. I hold Em's hand on the way there and when we walk into the building. We decided not to tell anyone else quite yet. In the meeting, we discuss the set list for the concerts. Em's performing first, then we're doing our duet. It was a very productive meeting, so it ended later than planned. We get back to the house and rehearse for a while. Em keeps making trips to the bathroom and I think the boys are starting to catch on. We decide to go to the mall to buy some new outfits for tour. Me, Em and Dani go off together and buy Em a few oversized shirts and jumpers. Em picks out outfits for me and Dani, as she 'has a better sense of style' apparently. We meet the rest of the boys at chipotle at 3pm. We grab a late lunch, chat to some fans that find us, then go back home.

When we arrive back, me Dani and Em gather all the boys on the couch. "We have something to tell you" I say, whilst Em wraps her arm around my waist. She looks me in the eyes "I'm pregnant" She tells them. The boys start clapping "I'M GONNA BE THE COOLEST UNCLE" Zach yells, making us all laugh. We sit around and chat for hours, until someone decides to put Stranger Things on. I decide to take Em up to bed when she falls asleep at 11pm. I change her into one of my shirts, then cuddle her until I fall asleep.


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