Chapter 10

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Emilia's POV

Dani picks me up and takes me inside. I sit by the fire, with a blanket wrapped around me. Jack brings me a mug of hot cocoa and sits with me. "You okay?" He asks every 10 minutes. I get that he's concerned, but it gets a bit annoying after a while. "I'm fine, Jack." I tell him, leaning my head on his chest. "What were you doing out there?" He asks me, trying to find out the truth. I shake my head "It's nothing" I tell him every time he asks. Dani comes and checks up on me occasionally, just to make sure. I eat some salad for lunch, then fall asleep.

I wake up at 4 pm to the boys filming a mashup video. I walk over to them and smile. I feel much better than I did earlier and feel able to move around. Dani notices me first, then Jack. Huge smiles spread over their faces. They finish filming, then come over to me. "I'm glad you're feeling better" Corbyn says, smiling. I love these boys; they're more like family than my family. I mean except Dani, he's my brother. Everyone gives me an enormous group hug, then we sit around in the backyard for ages chatting. Jonah orders pizza, then we all watch the sunset. I dip my toes into the pool, then Zach comes and sits with me. "Hey Zach" I say to him, smiling. He smiles back at me "Hey Em, So, I was wondering if you would like to film a cover with me?" He asks, nervous. "Yeah, sure Zach" I reply, smiling at him. We go up to the office and I grab a ukulele. "What song?" I ask him. "Do you know house of gold by twenty one pilots?" He asks me. I strum the chords "Of course I do. I love that song." He grins as he sets up the camera equipment. We film the cover, then Jack comes in. "Whatcha doin'?" He asks us, then sees the ukulele "You didn't invite me?" He acts all offended but doesn't last long as me and Zach burst out laughing. We watch Stranger Things for a while as a group, then all dispatch into different rooms.

*Next day*

I wake up to hear the shower running and a beautiful voice coming from the bathroom. I'd know that voice from anywhere. It's Jack, of course, singing in the shower. I go to the bathroom and grab my makeup bag. The shower curtain is shut, so it's all fine. Me and Jack aren't ready in our relationship for all of that. "Good morning baby noodle" I say to him, whilst applying my concealer. "Hello princess" he replies, "What are you doing?" He then adds on. I smile and pick up a foundation brush "Just doing my makeup" I tell him. "You don't need that to look beautiful, Em" He says I can almost hear his smile through his voice. The shower turns off, so I throw a towel in that direction without looking. Jack walks over to me and kisses my head, then smiles. I smile back at the mirror, then continue applying my eyeshadow. Jack picks up a hairbrush, then starts brushing my hair. I pick up an eyeliner and try to use it, but it has run out. "We're going shopping today" I tell jack. He rolls his eyes, then picks up my curling iron "Okay, fine" He says, whilst curling a piece of my hair. As I apply a kylie lip kit, Dani walks into the room "What's the plan for today?" He asks us. I look at him in the mirror "I need to go to the mall to grab a few things, you guys can come if you want." I tell them. Dani nods "Sure, I'll come with you" He says. Jack finishes doing my hair, then goes into our room and gets dressed. I finish my makeup, then go and get dressed. I pick out a pink cropped hoodie and a pair of white jeans. I pair them with some Adidas Superstars. I then run down the stairs to find Jack making me a smoothie. Jonah and Corbyn are sat on the couch and Zach is sitting outside with Dani. Jack passes me the smoothie "Thanks Jack" I say and kiss him. I see Corbyn roll his eyes at us "Just because your jealous, Bean" I say to him. Jonah laughs at this and Corbyn doesn't say anything.

Once everyone's ready, we drive to the mall. We blast out music on the way there, getting quite a few looks from strangers. When we get to the mall, me and Jack go off by ourselves, leaving the boys to shop for themselves. We go into Sephora and I pick up a new eyeliner and moisturiser. Jack, being a gentleman, takes all my bags. I take him to Starbucks and get him a drink, and myself an iced coffee. I then drag Jack into urban outfitters, where I buy a few t shirts and some jeans. Jack needs to get some new jeans too, so we go look around for his stuff for a while. Jack thinks it would be funny to buy the boys a can of deodorant each, so we do. We meet back up with the group, then go grab lunch. I notice that the boys have loads of bags with them "What did you guys get?" I ask them, gesturing to their considerable number of bags. "Just the essentials" Zach says, smirking. To be honest, him saying that is a bit off putting. Me and Jack exchange a glance, then see the boys smirking at each other.

When we get back home, I go and put all my purchases away into various draws, then go back downstairs "I'm going to go for a swim, if anyone wants to come" I say to the boys. Jack, Corbyn and Jonah accept the offer, but Zach and Dani politely decline and smirk at Corbyn and Jonah. I go and change into a black swimsuit, grab a towel, then go to the pool. Jack is already there with Jonah and Corbyn. I carefully lower myself into the water, then the boys jump in making water go everywhere.

Daniel's POV

Corbyn and Jonah are keeping Em and Jack occupied, as me and Zach throw rose petals all over the bed. We then light a few candles and dot them around the room. We're doing this as a joke, but I can't help but feel a bit weird as I'm doing this to my sister. We go outside to find everyone jumping in the pool. Corbyn climbs out "Everything's set up" I whisper into his ear. He smirks, then repeats the message to Jonah. Jack's staring at us weirdly, but lets it go after a while. Em gets out and lays on her towel at the side of the pool for a while. Jack goes over and sits with her. They start talking about something, but I can't hear as I'm out of earshot. I watch them for a while, then Jack climbs on top of Em and starts to kiss her. None of the boys notice at the start, except me. When Corbyn notices, he yells "Get a room!" At them, but they don't budge. When Jack picks Emilia up, everyone smirks at them "You hurt her, I hurt you" I tell him, as he walks into the house.

Jack's POV

I have Emilia cradled in my arms. I take her upstairs to our room to find rose petals and candles all over it. I look at Em, then she looks at me. No wonder the guys were acting weird "Was this you?" Emilia asks me. I shake my head and smile "No, was it you?" I ask her. She shakes her head back at me and laughs "Boys will be boys" She says, whilst walking to the bathroom. I follow her in, as she gets into the shower, leaving her swimsuit on. I climb in with her and smile. I hear the door creak open. I look over to see all the boys looking at us. "Awww, they're taking their first shower together" Zach says. I roll my eyes and Emilia turns a deep shade of crimson. "Fuck off guys" I say to them, defending Emilia. The boys leave the room, all smirking at each other. I smile at Em, then we both get out of the shower. I pass her a towel, then we both go and get changed. Em wears one of my jumpers and throws her hair up in a bun. I smile, and we walk downstairs together. We go and sit on the couch, then fall asleep to the Stranger Things theme tune playing in the background.

To be continued...


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