Chapter 29

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Jack's POV

When we wake up, everyone else is already awake. The alarm on my phone is blaring out a loud tune. I look at it to see that it's already ten, meaning that our appointment at the doctor's is in an hour and a half. Em places a pillow over her ears and tries to get back to sleep, but I take the pillow from her and tickle her. "We need to get ready to go" I tell her. She looks annoyed but nods, then walks into the bathroom to take a shower. When she comes out, she's already dressed in my hoodie and has makeup on. (Outfit below)

She still has an annoyed look on her face

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She still has an annoyed look on her face. I guess it's because I woke her up. "Are you mad at me?" I ask her. She smiles and sings in an angelic voice "Twinkle, twinkle little star" I look up at her from where I'm sitting on the bed. I guess she's not mad anymore then? "Wish I could hit you with my car" She finishes, then walks downstairs and into the kitchen. Damn that was a bit harsh. My feelings are hurting now. I am not letting her drive later.

I quickly get dressed, then go to the kitchen, where everyone is sitting around, chatting. I grab a bowl of cereal, then sit down next to Daniel on the couch. "Hey Jack" Zach says. I look up at him "Hey Jack" Daniel says. They exchange a smirk, then Daniel says "Roses are red, violets are blue" he then stops and looks at Zach "You are so ugly, but we still love you" Zach says, then they start bursting out with laughter. "Wow... I feel loved" I say, whilst eating my food. "I don't think you're ugly" Em says with a smile. I look at her with gratitude, then go and put my bowl in the sink for one of the boys to wash later. Half an hour later, we need to leave for our appointment. All the boys except Daniel and Christina are coming with us in Em's car, as the van's being repaired, but the car only has five seats. I drive and Em sits in the front seat, which leaves Christina to sit next to Corbyn, and Zach to sit on Jonah's lap. (Could this be going somewhere? 😉) My mom, dad, Ava, and Isla go in another car with Daniel so that it won't be as cramped in Em's car.

We get there just on time, so we go straight in to see the doctor. Only me and Christina go in with Em, leaving the rest of the group outside. Everything goes well, Em has an ultrasound and you could see the baby. We get some pictures of our child, but the gender is concealed in a white envelope, which Em hands to Christina. "I trust you not to tell anyone" Em says as she hands it over. Christina nods her head "I promise" She says in an excited voice. We could have had this check-up a few months ago, but we were on tour, so it would have been difficult. We were told that our baby would be born next month, in June. We thank the doctor, then leave and go back home. When we get back, Corbyn and Christina go off and do the shopping for the baby shower tomorrow, which I'm nervous yet excited for.

As we need to get clothes for tomorrow, me and Em get an uber to the mall, as neither of us can be bothered to drive there. I need to get a new phone, as mine is smashed up badly. We go to the apple store and get me a new phone. The first thing I do is prank call Jonah. As it's a new phone, it will come up on his phone as an unknown number. He picks up after a few rings "Hello?" He says. I put on a creepy voice and say "I can see you" Em has to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. There is a moment of silence until he says "So... do I look good?" I burst out laughing whilst I imagine him looking around the room, trying to find me. "Hi Jo Jo bear" Em says into the phone. "Hey Em and I'm guessing Jack" He replies. "Yup, you caught us" I say. "Did you get a new phone then?" He asks me. "Yeah, my old one was broken" I reply. We talk for a while, then he has to go do something. "Right, see you two later" he laughs, then hangs up. Me and Em exchange a glance then start laughing again. Once we've finally finished laughing, we go to a few stores and buys some clothes and shoes. Some are for tomorrow and some are for just sitting around watching Netflix all day because that's what I spend most my time doing. We shop for hours, buy too many clothes, get coffees at Starbucks, then get an uber home. We end up with almost thirty bags in total, which could have been worse. I had to practically drag Em away from the puppies at the pet store. We both got a few pairs of shoes each, then we went to Sephora and bought Em some new makeup, not that she needs it.

When we arrive back home, Corbyn and Christina are still out buying things for the baby shower tomorrow. We go and put our new clothes and things away, then go downstairs then me and Em cook dinner for everyone together. Zach and Jonah are sitting together in Jonah's room, watching Netflix. Daniel is sitting with a guitar, writing a new song on the couch. Em is cutting up some vegetables whilst I keep an eye on the pasta. We've already made two pizzas, which are cooking in the oven. Corbyn and Christina finally arrive back and rush upstairs to Corbyn's room to put the things they bought away. Once the food's ready we call everyone down and sit around the table like it's a family meal, which I guess it is in a way. Zach and Jonah take a while to come down, and when they do, they're both blushing, and they keep looking at each other. I think that everyone is pretending that they don't notice when we all do. We discuss things like the plans for tomorrow and weddings. After everyone's finished eating, we put our plates and bowls in the dishwasher, then watch a movie. Em falls asleep with her head laying on me, so when the movie's finished, I take her up to our room and tuck her into bed. I then get ready for bed myself and fall asleep with my arms wrapped around her.

14 days until the concert, and I still need to plan everything from my clothes to my makeup. I've rented out an apartment in Ireland, as I'm flying over there to see the concert because tickets were sold out in England. I'm going to write a few chapters before I go, then post them while I'm there. I'm only in Dublin for 1 ½ or 2 days. I think I'll probably add some photos I take from the concert too when I'm there. After I'll update you on how depressed I am because I can't hear the boy's angelic voices anymore. I'll stop ranting about the concert now.

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