Zach's POV (Didn't see that one coming😂) Jack picks Emilia up and brings her over to me, Corbyn and Daniel. Corbyn throws Jack a towel, which he uses to dry off Em. They then lay down next to each other on the blanket. I can't help but stare at Emilia. She's hot. Why do I always have to fall for the ones who are taken? We talk about new music and stuff like that, until Emilia falls asleep. Jack puts his hand on top of hers, then falls asleep next to her. I can't help but feel a bit jealous, seeing them like that. After a few hours, we decide to leave. Dani wakes Jack and Emilia up, then packs up the blanket. Jack picks Emilia up and takes her to the car. I can see her smile widening by the second. The drive home is energetic, songs being sung at the top of our voices. Emilia's POV I wake up on the beach to Daniel shaking me awake "Just a few more minutes" I grumble, but Jack picks me up and carries me to the car. I smile at him "Hello, princess" He says to me, smiling back. We sit next to each other on the way home and sing along to whatever's on the radio. When we get home, Dani orders a pizza to the house. "I swear you guys are trying to make me fat" I moan to the boys. They laugh and start to be annoying. The pizza gets here, but I'm not hungry. When I don't take a piece, Jack looks at me worried. "Why aren't you eating?" He asks me, while putting his plate down. "I'm not hungry Jack" I tell him. He nods, but still looks concerned. I see the boys whispering something into each other's ears, then looking at me. I roll my eyes, go upstairs and sit on the bed. I sit on my phone and scroll through Instagram. I stumble upon a couple of cute pictures of me and Jack from a while back. I smile at the first photo of us that we ever posted on Instagram. "What are you smiling at?" A voice asks me. I look up from my phone to see Jack standing at the door. I put my phone down and look at him. He comes over and sits on the bed next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder, then look up at him to see a grin plastered on his face. He kisses my forehead "Are you gonna come down and eat now?" He asks me. I shake my head. "I'm bringing you a smoothie" He tells me. I smile at him "Okay, you do that" I reply. He walks out of the room and back downstairs to the kitchen. I can hear the boys laughing. Jack comes back into the room with a fruit smoothie "Thanks Jack" I say to him. He smiles down at me and wraps his arm around my waist. I drink a sip of my smoothie, then put it down on the side. Jack stares at me and looks like he's about to say something, but before he can I plant a kiss on his lips. I can tell from the look on his face that it shocked him. He starts to climb on top of me, not stopping kissing me unless it was to catch a breath. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entry but I deny. He's annoyed, I can see it in his eyes. He tries again, but I deny him any access. His hand caresses my back, as I roll on top of him. I smile whilst kissing him. Suddenly his hand squeezes my butt, so I gasp. In this millisecond, he slips his tongue into my mouth. I roll my eyes at him, but I can't deny that I'm enjoying it. We kiss for a while longer, then cuddle. I hear a knock on the door after about 10 minutes. It opened to reveal Zach leaning on the frame of the door. "Hey guys, we were gonna go in the pool if you wanna come?" He says. I look at Jack "Yeah, sure we'll get ready" I tell him. Me and Jack get up and put our swimsuits on. I pick a pink and blue bikini, then throw my hair up in a bun.
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(Like this one☝) "You look beautiful Em" He says when he sees me. I smile, take his hand and walk down the stairs with him. We go outside, and I catch Zach staring "Take a picture, it'll last longer" I say to him sarcastically. He picks his phone up. "Not literally you idiot" I add on. He rolls his eyes and puts his phone back down on the table. "Leave my girlfriend alone Zach" Jack says to him, wrapping his arm around me. I snuggle my head into Jack's shoulder, then he picks me up "I swear Jack if you don't put me the fuck down" I say, knowing what was going to happen next. He takes me over to the pool. I cling onto his neck for dear life. "Don't you even think about it Jack" I tell him. He tries to throw me in the pool, but I'm holding onto him too tightly. He looks at the boys "Put this on Insta" He tells Dani. Dani grabs his phone and starts filming, as Jack jumps into the pool with me. I scream, and I can hear the boys start laughing at me. I decide it would be funny if I didn't come back up above surface. I can hold my breath for around a minute underwater, so it should be easy. "Em? Are you okay?" Jack asks me. I still don't swim up to the surface "Emilia? Guys, what the fuck?" He's starting to freak out. I feel someone's arms pick me up. I open my eyes to see the boys staring down at me. "Hi" I say to them smiling. "What the fuck was that for Em? You scared the shit out of me" Jack tells me, frowning. I sit up and kiss him. "I can hold my breath for ages Jack" I say to him. He smiles and kisses my cheek. "Now's not the time for the cutesy couple stuff" Jonah says. Me and Jack look at each other, then say in unison "Sorry mom" and burst out laughing. The boys get in the pool and I sit on a towel on a chair in the sun. Jack's sitting on Jonah's shoulders, and Zach's on Corbyn's shoulders. Dani is sitting next to me on another chair. He decided to miss out on this activity like me. We watch as Zach is thrown off Corbyn's shoulders. Everyone bursts out laughing, then Dani jumps in the pool with them. Jonah pushes Jack off his shoulders and into the pool. "Come on Em, get in" Jack calls to me when his head is above water again. I smile and oblige, getting in the pool. Jack kisses the top of my head and smiles back at me. Dani comes over and picks me up "Why does everyone keep picking me up?" I ask them all. Dani throws me in the air and Jack rushes over and catches me. "Fuck you Dani" I say to him, whilst the others are laughing. Jack leans down and kisses me, so I kiss him back. "GET A ROOM" Corbyn yells at us, but we ignore him completely. We continue kissing and Jack carries me out of the pool and onto the grass. He climbs on top of me and smiles. Soon enough, the boys get pissed at us, so Dani grabs me, and Jonah grabs Jack. They pick us both up and carry us towards the pool. "NOPE, YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS TO ME DANI" I yell, grasping onto him. He smirks and tries to throw me in the pool but fails. I know that he doesn't want to jump into the pool, so I keep gripping onto his neck. I hear a splash, then look over to see Jack in the pool. The boys are laughing and Jack's frowning at them. Dani tries to throw me in again, but it doesn't work again as I'm clinging onto him for dear life. "I give up" He says, putting me down. "Why thank you Daniel" I say, but then he shoves me into the pool. "FUCK YOU DANIEL JAMES SEAVEY" I yell at him. Everyone starts laughing, then Jack swims over and picks me up. I kiss him, and he takes me inside. When we get to the living room, there are a few towels on the couch. He grabs two, then dries me off. I then grab a bottle of water and cook dinner for the boys. Whilst they eat, I watch them "Aren't you going to eat Em?" Dani asks me, starting to get a bit concerned. I shake my head "No I'm still full up from the slice of pizza I had earlier" I tell him. The boys all exchange a glance, but don't say anything. I scroll through my Instagram feed and like some of my fans posts. I see quite a few edits of me and Jack, which makes me smile. I look up to see all the boys staring at me "What?" I ask them. "Nothing" Corbyn says. I look at him, knowing he was lying. "Tell me" I say to him. He shakes his head, so I storm off to my room and slam the door for that dramatic sound. I jump onto my bed and start punching a pillow. Why don't the boys tell me anything? "I feel really bad for that pillow." A voice says from behind me. I turn around to find Jack walking into the room. "What do you want Jack?" I ask him, throwing the pillow at him. "Guys, it's safe to come in now" He yells, and the boys walk in. "We have something to tell you Em" He says to me "We're going on tour again" I scream in delight. "Well done guys!" I say, hugging Jack. It turns into a giant group hug. "We also have something we want to ask you..." To be continued... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~