I wake up to Em's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I lay there for a while, then Emilia woke up. She smiled at me, then kissed my cheek. "Hello, Noodle." She says, getting up and going to the bathroom. When she comes back, she's wearing a face mask. "You look funny" I tell her, smiling. "You're meant to say pleasant things to me Jack, not rude things" She says to me, looking offended. I kiss her "Okay, you look beautiful with or without the mask." I look at her, then get up and throw some clothes on. She goes downstairs, and I can hear Corbyn laughing. I run downstairs and look at him "Leave her alone Corbean." I tell him, laughing. I go into the kitchen and grab a bowl of cereal. "We need to go to the recording studio today." Jonah tells us all, whilst getting a smoothie from the fridge. We're recording new stuff today, so we must get in early. We leave at around 10 and are planning to get back at around 6, but it isn't an easy estimate.
Emilia's POV
The boys are going to be at the recording studio all day, so I invite Lilly and Hanna round. I text them the address, then they appear about half an hour later. "Hey guys, it's been too long!" I say to them. We have a group hug, then the girls catch me up on the drama that is their boyfriends. "I mean he's so cute, but so dumb." Hanna says, smiling. "I mean he's not dumb, but he's not smart. You know what I mean?" She asks us. Me and Lilly start laughing, and Hanna looks at us strangely. "We get what you mean, but you might want to phrase it a different way around him." I say, with Lilly agreeing. "So, what's the news with you and Jack?" Hanna asks me. I smile and look at her then look down at my jumper. Sorry, I should rephrase that, it's Jack's jumper. "Well... long story short, we're dating." They look at each other, then do the look at me. "We worked that one out from insta." Lilly told me. "Oh yeah... Well we really hit it off." I told them "Jack's really nice and so are the boys. They treat me really well."
I think that the girls can tell that I'm not telling them something. They look at each other. "What is it that you're not telling us Em?" Lilly asks, confused. I shake my head "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I say. They nod their heads "Me and Daniel are kind of siblings." I tell them. They both look shocked. "It's okay, that's how I acted when I found out." I added on. "So, I've had a crush on your brother for ages?" Lilly asks, smiling. I nod my head and look out of the window. It still feels weird for me, finding out that my surname is isn't Phillips.
At 12, we order pizza to the house, then go for a swim. Lilly and Hanna both borrow swimsuits from me. Hanna picks a lace white one, Lilly goes for a floral patterned one, and I pick a dark green one.
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(Like these☝☝) I must say, I have quite a large collection of bikinis, but I'm not complaining about it. We swim around for a while, then we sit by the side of the pool and tan. After a while of chatting, all of us fall asleep outside.
Jack's POV
Once me and the boys finish recording, I try and call Em. She doesn't pick up, so I feel a little worried. We drive back to the house and I can't find her inside, so I look outside to find her asleep with her friends. I smile to myself, then bend down and plant a kiss on her forehead. Her eyes flutter open, and she sits up. "Hey, princess." I say to her. She smiles, then wakes up Lilly and Hanna. They've been coming over quite a bit lately. They all go upstairs and change, then come sit with me and the boys to watch Netflix. I pull Em into my arms, and we continue watching. Lilly and Hanna leave at about 7, so we continue to watch a film whilst Emilia's cooking us dinner. We all go into the kitchen to grab our food, then sit around and eat. "I'm gonna go to sleep" Em tells us. The boys acknowledge this. "I'm going to join you" I tell her, walking up the stairs holding Emilia's hand. I can hear the boys laughing behind us, but I ignore them as per usual.
*Next day*
When I wake up, Emilia's still fast asleep. I sneak out of the room and get a pop tart for breakfast. Zach and Daniel are already downstairs eating breakfast, Jonah's in the shower and Corbyn's asleep still. When Emilia struts down the stairs, she's wearing some denim shorts, a white t shirt, and a flower crown.
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(☝☝Like this) I smile at her, then kiss her. "Get a room!" Zach tells us, covering his eyes. Dani looks away, trying not to acknowledge me and Em. It's been hard for him lately, with all the music and Em being here on top of that.
"Do you want to film a cover for my YouTube channel?" Em asks me and Jonah. "Sure" Me and Jonah say in unison. We walk through into the office and I grab a guitar "What song are we going for?" I ask Emilia, so that I know what music to play. She smiles at me and says, "I was thinking Havana by Camilla Cabello?" I nod at her, then play the chords. We set up the camera, then filmed the video. At the end, I kissed her on the cheek "Stop with the cute couple stuff in front of me" Jo tells us. We laugh and hug him. "You're a great singer Em" Jonah tells her. She shakes her head "I'm really not Jo." Emilia's an amazing singer, but she won't admit it. All the group tell her this every day, but she brushes them off. Em goes to our room and edits the video. She shows me and Jo the final video before she posts it. "You left the kiss in?" I ask her, smiling and sitting down next to her. "It was too cute to cut out" She tells us. Jonah rolls his eyes and smiles.
We all go down stairs to find the boys in an intimate game of twister. "Get your asses up, we're going ice skating" Emilia says