Chapter 24

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Emilia's POV

I walk off the stage to the crowd cheering. I think that they liked my new song. I was so nervous while I was up there, there were way more people than I thought. I watch the boys' performance from the side of the stage, so Jack keeps glancing at me when he's not singing. I take hundreds of videos for my Instagram and snapchat stories, and a few for the boys account. I know all of the choreography that the boys are doing, so I dance along with them whilst I wait for them to finish. I sing along backstage for the whole concert, until their last song, all my love, comes on. I walk back onto the stage, gaining more screams from the crowd "I'm back people" I say, then kiss Jack. The crowd make 'aww' sounds at us, while the boys roll their eyes. The backing track comes on, so we sing the song. (I can't be bothered to get the lyrics or to type them out so pretend they're here)

"Good night Nashville!" We all yell in unison, then walk off stage. Well I mean the boys walk off, but I get picked up by Jack and thrown over his shoulder "Put me downnn" I screech at him, but he refuses. The crowd laughs as I struggle in Jack's strong arms. He carries me to the car, which drives us back to the hotel, so we can grab our bags then get onto the tour bus. When we get to our hotel room, I pack up all of Jack's stuff, as I packed all my things before we left earlier. Just as I finish up, Daniel bursts into the room "Time to go my people" He whisper shouts, as it's quite late. I grab my suitcases and drag them down the stairs, whilst Jack takes his suitcase and goes in the elevator. When we get to reception, we check out then go and get on the bus. I get into my bunk and fall asleep almost straight away. Before I slip into the dark abyss, I feel Jack squeeze in next to me, and wrap his arms around me.

~A few weeks later~

When I wake up, I feel someone playing with my hair. I roll over on the couch to find Jack sitting there with a few strands of hair between his fingers "Good morning" He says, then kisses me on the cheek. "Mhm" I mumble, then bury my head in his chest. "You need to get up now Em" He tells me, so I shake my head. "I'm getting waffles" Jonah shouts, so my head shoots up making everyone laugh. "Really?" I ask, happily. "Nope, but I knew it'd get you up" He replies. "I hate you" I tell him, then climb out of bed. "We need to leave for the airport" We're flying over to London today, which I'm excited yet nervous for. A small bump has formed on my stomach, but none of the limelights have noticed quite yet. I've been stuck in oversized shirts and jumpers for the past two weeks, which isn't great due to the heat, but will be fine once we're in England. I feel like Kylie Jenner when she hid her pregnancy from the fans. After London, we're going to Ireland, Paris, and Italy, then back home to LA.

The bags are all already packed and ready to go, so all we need to do is get breakfast and head to the airport. Jonah promises me that when we arrive at the airport he'll get me breakfast and Starbucks, which makes me happier. I jump into the shower and wash my hair quickly, then blow dry it. (I think you can have shower on tour buses?) I don't bother with much makeup as we're travelling, but I know there will be fans at the airport, so I do a light layer of foundation with some concealer. I then throw on this

Then run across to the other end of the bus, where the boys are sitting on the couches

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Then run across to the other end of the bus, where the boys are sitting on the couches. I sit myself next to Jack and Dani, who are playing video games. I scroll through insta until we arrive at the airport, so I put my phone in my backpack then grab my suitcases and climb off the bus. When I get off, there are around twenty fans waiting for the boys "Hi guys" I say, then hug a few of them and take pictures. Jack keeps glancing over at me, so I smile every time he looks. "Why are you always wearing oversized clothing lately?" A fan asks me, just as Jack is passing by. He stops in his tracks. "I guess it's just comfortable and stylish" I reply, not at all convincing her. She nods her head but doesn't really believe me. We then take a photo, she says thanks and leaves. A few other people ask the same question, so I reply with the same answer. Soon enough it's time to grab Starbuck and breakfast, then board the plane. We have 1st class seats, so I'm starting to look forward to it, but that doesn't stop me from getting scared as fuck. I really don't like long plane flights to different countries. The plane from LA to Nashville was fine because it was just in the US, but flying to London, I'm not so sure. When we board the plane, all my muscles become tense. I think that Jack notices, as his hand wraps around mine. He lightly squeezes it when we sit down, then smiles at me. I grab my earbuds out of my bag and plug them into my phone, then listen to the boys' music to calm me down. Once we're up in the air, I feel fine.

~Skip the plane journey because I'm lazy~

We land in London, then get our bags and go towards the car waiting for us. We get stopped by fans before we can reach it though "I love your music" A girl says to me with a cute accent. I smile at her "Thanks! I love your accent" I reply. She giggles, then we take a photo together. We're all jet-lagged from the flight, so we say goodbye to the fans and go straight to the hotel we have booked. We sign in, then go up to our rooms. When I reach my and Jack's room, I quickly change into one of Jack's shirts and get straight into bed. After a few minutes, Jack climbs in and cuddles me to sleep.


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