Chapter 30

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Jack's POV

As soon as I've woken up and got changed into some sweatpants and a black t-shirt, I get kicked out of the house by Christina. Em follows me out a few minutes after, her hands full of bags. I open the door for her to get into the car, then I walk around to the driver's side and climb in. I drive us over to Logan's place, take the bags and walk up to the door. Logan answers the door with his camera in his hand. "IF IT ISN'T MY NOODLE HEAD" Logan yells, whilst pretending to shoot me. I drop onto the floor, as if I'd been shot. I look up to see Em quietly laughing at me from inside the car. I jump up off the floor and walk over to Logan "How's my bro?" He asks me, whilst putting the bags inside, then giving me a 'bro hug'. "I'm good thanks cabbage head" I reply and smirk. He smiles, then walks down the drive and takes Em's hand, then gently pulls her out of the car. "How are you doing today, Princess Emilia?" He asks her. She smiles, then frowns "First of all, it's Queen Emilia, but I'm doing just fine, thank you Logan" She says in her amazing British accent that I forgot that she could do. She walks up to the door and inside the house with Logan. I follow behind them and shut the door once I've entered the house. We talk on camera for a while, then turn it off and chat about more private things.
The baby shower is starting at half twelve, and it is quarter past ten at the moment. Me and Em need to get there around ten minutes early, so that we can greet the guests. Logan has his suit spread out on the couch, and his tie laid over the back of a chair. He keeps going on about how he's going to look fire, but I argue back that I'll look better. Em backs me up apologetically every time.

A hair and makeup artist arrives at eleven for Em, so I lead her to the bathroom, where Emilia is awaiting. While Em is getting ready, I sit with Logan. "She's amazing" He says to me "You're so lucky to have her" I nod my head and smile. "I love her so much" I reply, then jump up and start getting into my black suit. Logan does the same, except his suit is a deep blue. At half eleven, I hear a knock on the door. Logan grabs his camera and turns it on, then focuses it at the door, which slowly edges open to reveal a beautiful looking Emilia. I can't help but stare at her for a while, my jaw dropped in awe of her beauty. It feels like she's put me under a love spell. "You look wonderful" I tell her, then I walk over and give her a kiss on the cheek. Logan starts cooing over us, calling us his OTP, which we laugh at.

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(Clothes and makeup)

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(Clothes and makeup)

After about five minutes, we say goodbye to Logan for the moment, then drive back over to the house, which takes a while due to the traffic. When we get there, I help Em out of the car, then knock on the door. When Christina answers the door, Em yells "QUEEN EMILIA SEAVEY IS HERE BITCHES, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Which makes everyone laugh. When we walk into the house, it's decorated beautifully.

Corbyn and Christina are amazing at planning things together, but Corbyn can't plan anything by himself

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Corbyn and Christina are amazing at planning things together, but Corbyn can't plan anything by himself. The guests will be arriving in around ten minutes, so I help with the last few preparations whilst Em sits down for a few minutes. When there's a knock at the door, I take Em's hand and walk her to the door. When I open it, Logan comes in with Kong, Lydia, and Evan. He doesn't have his vlogging camera on him for once, so I guess that he left it in the car. Lydia congratulates us, then gets into a conversation with my mom. Evan goes and talks to Zach, and Logan talks with Jonah and Daniel. Corbyn and Christina are keeping everything in shape, with a bit of help from Ava. My dad is talking to Isla, who seems to be talking nonstop. Em's friends Lilly and Hanna come over with some kid called Jacob Sartorius, who looks like Zach. They talk to people like Logan and Lydia, once speaking to me and Em.

Emilia's POV

There are loads of people here, which I guess isn't that surprising as Jack and I have so many connections. There is a growing pile of presents in the corner of the room. After a while of chatting to people, we get everyone to sit down and we open some presents. There are quite a few pacifiers, blankets, and stuffed animals. Other things include baby monitors and diapers.

After presents, we have some food, then it's nearly time for the gender reveal. We all gather around the table with the cake on it. Jack and I take the knife together and cut into the cake. When we're about halfway through slicing it, there's a knock at the door. We stop, and Jack's mom goes and answers it.
A gasp is just about audible when she answers it. I look up as an auburn-haired woman walks into the room.


If you read my last life update on this story, which I posted a few hours ago, you'll know what's happening. The boys concert was amazing! I would highly suggest going if you can. Jack looked at me and winked so I'm still recovering from that. I also saw Daniel right outside the venue before the concert, but there were too many people for me to go over and say hi.

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