Chapter 32

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*A few weeks later*

Christina's POV (Changing it up a bit for once)

I wake up to the sound of screaming coming from somewhere in the house. I'm going back home in a few days, so I'm not sure why someone's trying to ruin one of my last days here in LA. I feel Corbyn's arm wrap tighter around my waist as the cries get louder. I wriggle out of Corbyn's arms, to his disappointment, and go to try and find the source of the loud noises. As I walk down the hallway, the sound gets louder, and clearer. I follow it all the way to outside of...

Jack and Emilia's room?

I'm so confused. I knock on the door, but get no answer, so I walk inside to find Em sitting on the bed with tears rolling down her cheeks, a look of pain plastered across her face. Jack is sitting with her, arms wrapped around her waist, trying to comfort her. When Jack notices me, he motions for me to wake everyone up and get the car keys. I nod my head then run out of the room. I wake up Corbyn first, then run around the rest of the house to get the boys, then get Jack's mom and dad. I don't get Jack's sisters, as they need their sleep. When the boys ask what's happening, I tell them that I'll explain later. I quickly rush and grab the keys, then go and tell Jack everything's ready. He picks Em up and carries her out to the car, where everyone is already sitting.

I drive to the hospital as quick as I can. When we arrive, Jack quickly dashes out, picks Em up and rushes her inside. She is taken straight into a different room. Jack goes in with her, but the rest of us wait in another room for any news. "What is happening to Emilia?" Zach asks innocently. We all stare at him like he is stupid, which he sort of is. "Well Zachary, Emilia is having a child" Jack's mom tells him with a sarcastic tone, making the rest of us burst out laughing once he notices how dumb he was being. We carry on a conversation about names for a while, but no one can think of a good one. We all feel tired after a while. I look at my phone screen to see that the time is 1am. I cuddle up to Corbyn on one of the couches in the room and fall asleep with my head on his chest.

Jack's POV

Although being woken up wasn't the most amazing feeling, I can't help but be excited to finally meet my little prince. We've been going to bed earlier than usual lately, as Em gets tired quickly, I can't wait for that to stop. I sit by Em for hours, holding her hand and trying to comfort her. All of the boys and Christina are asleep outside in the waiting room, except Daniel, who has come and sat down inside the room with me. My mom and dad are sitting on some chairs in the corner of the room, quietly talking to each other.

~A few hours later~

I smile to see a small child sitting in Em's arms. His face is beautiful, and her smile is perfect. His little eyes are open, and she is wrapped in a light blue blanket. His eyes are two different colors, one is blue and the other is brown. She's going to grow up to be a beautiful boy l, I can already tell. He falls asleep after a while, making himself look even more pretty. I can't believe I made that.

I smile at Em, who seems to be tired. One of the nurses takes our baby and puts her in a crib, which is beside the hospital bed. Once the small child is out of her arms, Em falls asleep quickly. Daniel falls asleep next, then me.


Emilia's POV

Having children hurts way more than I expected. I wake up in the hospital bed to see Dani and Jack asleep in each other's arms. I smile to myself, then reach over to the table next to the bed and grab my phone off it. I look at the screen to see that it's already 10 am. I think that Christina and the rest of the boys went back home, but I'm not too sure. Jack's parents are awake and talking to each other whilst drinking cups of coffee from the coffee shop that is open for 24 hours down the hallway.

I look to the right side of the bed to see a beautiful baby fast asleep. His skin is pale, and his hair is almost nonexistent. Once they notice that I'm awake, Jack's parents engage me in their conversation. Dani slowly arises from his long rest then walks over and hugs me. He then plays with my son for a while. Jack doesn't wake up for another twenty minutes, and when he does he walks over and kisses me on the head.

I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

Idk what to say about why I haven't been uploading. There is no reason at the moment. I had a vocal performance in front of 500 people on Thursday night. I was so flipping scared it was unreal. It went well though.

My school's sports day was yesterday and I'm so unathletic so that was a lot of effort. I have really bad sunburn from that :(

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