Chapter 15

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Jack's POV

Emilia's breathing quickens, and she faints. I run over and catch her. "Shit, what should we do?" Corbyn says, scared. "She's having a panic attack, calm down and grab her a glass of water" I say to the boys. Daniel goes and grabs her a glass of water, whilst I lay her down on the couch. After around 10 minutes, Emilia's eyes flutter open again. She looks up at me and smiles "I'm sorry" She says. I lean down and kiss her on the cheek "There's nothing that you need to feel sorry about" I explain to her. She sits up and moves over on the couch, so I can sit next to her. When I sit down, she rests her head on my chest. Dani and Corbyn walk back into the room "Is she okay?" Corbyn asks me. I nod my head and smile. Em sits up "Hey guys, I'm sorry for earlier" She says to them. Dani smiles "As long as my sis is safe it's all good"

We record for a few hours, and Em teaches me the lyrics to her song. We retire from recording at 3. We almost run out of the stuffy building and go to a café for a late lunch. We sit outside together, under an umbrella. Em orders a salad, but only eats ¼ of it. We drive back to the house and Em goes and puts a swimsuit on. I decide to do the same, then the boys follow my example. Em sits at the side of the pool with a book, whilst me and the boys mess around in the pool. "I'm going for a run" Emilia tells us. "I'll come too" Dani says. The rest of us leave the run and continue swimming. Em goes into the house, the 10 minutes later reappears in a sports bra and shorts.

(Like this☝)She looks beautiful as usual

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(Like this☝)
She looks beautiful as usual. "See you lot later" She says. "Good bye beautiful" I say, then kiss her on the cheek. She leaves the house with Dani.

Emilia's POV

Once we've left the house and run down the road, Dani stops me. "Why aren't you eating lately?" He asks, frowning at me. "It's none of your business if I am or am not eating Dani" I reply, then start jogging again. He catches up with me slowly, as I used to be a cross-country runner. Once he's caught up, he grabs onto my wrist "Look, Em, I love you. That's why I care about you. Jack loves you too. Just please eat something" He says to me, his eyes full of hope. I nod my head "Okay Dani, I'm just not gonna eat pizza or stuff like that" I tell him "Can we keep moving now?" We start running again. When we get into town, we get stopped by loads of fans. We take pictures with all of them, then Dani takes me to a smoothie place, where we both get something to drink. Once our cups had been drained, we ran back to the house. Neither of us have keys, so we must knock. When the door opens, Jack comes running out and hugs me "Eww, it's my sweaty, stinky girlfriend" He whispers into my ear, whilst picking me up. I slap him as he puts me over his shoulder and carries me into the house. "A little help here please?" I ask the boys. They all laugh and shake their heads. Jack takes me over to the pool and tries to throw me in but fails as I'm stronger than him. In the end, he decides to jump in with me, which is fine for him as he's wearing swimming stuff. When my head reaches the surface, I swim out quickly, then look for my phone, which was tucked into my shorts. I notice it's not there, so I dive into the pool and retrieve it. When I look at it, the screen's cracked. "MY PHONEEEEE" I cry out. Jack comes rushing over to me "What's happened?" He asks me. "My phone in now officially fucked, that's what has happened" I tell him. Corbyn comes outside with a towel, which Jack wraps around me, then picks me up and takes me inside. Once we're up in our room Jack sits on the bed. "Change into something comfortable, we're going out" He tells me.

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