Chapter 34 - The wedding

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Jack's POV

I wake up in a different hotel room to Emilia. It feels weird waking up without her next to me. Today is the day. My suit is hung up in the closest and my shoes are neatly put away, both items just waiting to be worn. Zach is in the other bed in my room, and the rest of the boys are in different rooms. I jump up out of my bed and go into the bathroom, to have a nice long shower before the big day I have planned ahead.

30 minutes later

There's been banging on the bathroom door for about 5 minutes now. Zach is yelling at me to get out so he can have a shower. I finally get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. As I walk out of the door I can feel Zach's eyes checking me out. "Zachary, my eyes are up here" I say, pointing up to my face. He blushes a deeper red, then goes and has a shower.

Whilst Zach is showering, the rest of the boys come into the rather large hotel room wih their suit bags. Daniel dries and styles my hair, whilst the boys do their own hair and get into their suits. Once he's finished, Daniel quickly gets ready, then goes off to Emilia's room, as he's walking her down the aisle. All of the boys are my best men, as I couldn't just choose one.

Whist Zach takes an hour to do his hair, I sit on my bed with Corbyn nervously. Jonah is sitting on Zach's bed across from us. I have no idea why I'm nervous, as I'm about to make a vow to love and live with the most amazing, beautiful, funny, and smart person I know for the rest of my life.

Corbyn wraps me in a hug, then Jonah comes over and joins in. When Zach walks in he just stands there staring at us all. We all start laughing for no apparent reason, and keep joking until it's time to leave, which is when the nerves kick in for real.

 We all start laughing for no apparent reason, and keep joking until it's time to leave, which is when the nerves kick in for real

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Jack's suit^

Emilia's POV

My alarm goes off at 6.30 am, so that I can get ready for the day. First I hop in to the shower to wash my hair. Once I've finished, I put it up in a towel until Christina, Hanna, and Lilly get here to do my hair and makeup.

At around 7.30 am, the girls arrive together. They are carrying a lot of makeup and hair products, which are kind of scary. They sit me on a chair in front of the main mirror, and start doing my hair and makeup.

They finally finish at around 9.30 am, which gives us an hour and a half to get me into my dress, get them ready, and get to the venue.

Christina, being my closest friend, is my maid of honour. Lilly, Hanna, Ava, and Anna are bridesmaids, and Isla, Svea, and Reese are flower girls. Ryan is carrying the rings for us. Little Jeffery is going to be with Jack's family for the service, as she can't quite walk yet.

 Little Jeffery is going to be with Jack's family for the service, as she can't quite walk yet

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