Emerald POV
I cried during the movie, I still feel dizzy, and I can't stop myself from falling asleep. Caleb knocks on the door.
"I think I can get rid of the serum." He says.
"How?" I ask.
"I made another serum that counteracts the first serum." He says, then gets ready to give me the serum.
"You might feel a little pain, not much, that is just the serums fighting each other." He says, I nod, then he injects me. After a few minutes Caleb left and it is only Thomas and I.
"There are serving cake, I'm getting some, do you want some?" Thomas says.
"Sure, a small piece." I say.
"I will be back in five minutes, call if you need something." he says then walks out the door. I lay there just thinking. I wonder off onto the topic of Thomas, he has said he loves me, but I realized I have not said the words 'I love you, Thomas' I do, but I don't want him to hate me or die. What am I talking about, he will never hate me. I have to tell him I love him, I have to say the words 'Thomas, I love you'. Then all of a sudden my body feels like it is on fire, Caleb said a little pain this is not a little. My body hurts, I want to scream, but I can't nothing will come out. I touch my throat with my hands, my skin is ice. I feel like the inside of my body is on fire, but my skin is cold, I start to shake. I curl into a ball, Caleb said it would not hurt this much. Four, I need Four, but I can't press the charm. I am dying, I will never get to tell Thomas I love him, I will never get the chance to say, 'I do Thomas, I do' after I walk down the aisle. I will never have children with him, and watch our children grow up as we grow old together, it is all ending, this is the end.
"I'm in love, I love you, Thomas." I say for the first time, then my body goes numb and my vision goes black.Thomas POV
I open the apartment door and hear Emerald say something but the only thing I heard was her saying my name. Something is wrong I can feel it, I drop the cake and run to the bedroom. Emerald lays curled in a ball facing the other direction.
"Emerald!" I nearly scream, I start shaking her, she does not respond. Emerald is gone, Marcus took her away from me, I hate him more than I did before, if Four doesn't kill him I will, that is a promise I will keep.
"No Emerald, please come back" I say now crying, I start to repeatedly press the charm on her bracelet. "No, no, no Emerald don't leave me, please!" I scream, then all of our friend run into the room, Caleb also runs in.
"No come back, it can't be the end!" now all the guys pull me away from her, I continue to kick and scream. Then the second person I hate the most walks through the door. I get out of the guys grip, I jump on him and start to punch him.
"What makes you think you can be here?" I scream.
"I love her" he says, my blood starts to boil.
"No you don't, Joey, you do not!" I scream. "If you loved her you wouldn't have help kidnap her, you would have stopped her attackers from beating her, and if you truly love her she wouldn't be scared of you. Do you know how many times she had a nightmare about you?" I scream, then the boys pull me off of Joey, I still try to get to him, then Eric and Zeke hold my arms to the ground, Uriah and Will hold down my feet, Tyler is pressing my chest to the ground, and Four is trying to calm me down. Joey gets up and runs, the guys hold me down for a few minutes after, then the let go of me. I have calmed down some.
"Thank you, I don't know what got into me." I say putting my hands to my face and cry into them. Eric kneels down next to me and wraps his arms around me, hugging me."Eric can I ask you a question?" I say through my tears, he nods.
"Why do you care so much about Emerald?" I ask.
"You love her, I didn't want to lose my brother again. I am the reason the little erudite girl is dead, I am the reason mom is dead, and I am also the reason Emerald is..." he says but cannot continue, this is the first time I have ever heard him almost cry, he showed no emotion when mom died, I think that was just an act though."I have don't all I can do" Caleb says, I run to Emeralds side, I look at our friends, Shana is crying into Zeke's arm, Zeke is trying so hard not to cry, Marlene and Uriah are doing the same thing as Shana and Zeke, Christina is on her knees crying, Will has his arms around her, Kayla is also on her knees, Tyler is trying to comfort her, Eric is at my side but faces the wall, Four has his back to all of us he just stairs blankly out the window, Tris has her hand on his back and she is crying into him. Then Max walks through the door.
"Is she... no" he says, he bites his knuckle, and walks out the door. I have a river of tears falling down my face.
"T- Thomas, why is everyone crying?" I hear the most beautiful voice in the world say.
"Emerald" is all I can, I then pull her into a hug. Everyone is looking at Emerald.
"What happened?" she asks as she wipes my tears away.
"What is the last thing you remember?" Caleb asks her.
"Thomas read a book to me then we watched the movie." She says after a minute of thinking. "I also remember being mad at Thomas" she says.
"What happened between you to?" Christina asks.
"The book was 'The Fault In Our Stars'" she says.
"Dude, out of all the books you choose that one, you know it makes the chicks cry." Uriah says, he can make people smile and laugh during the saddest times.
"First she requested that I read it, second it doesn't just make the chicks cry, it made you cry." I say.
"No I didn't" he says.
"Yes you did." Marlene says, Uriah tries to look mad at her but it doesn't last long.
"It's hard to stay mad at you." He says. Everyone is still shocked Emerald is alive, I hold her as close to me as I can, I don't want to ever let her go.

Dauntles Black Heart
FanfictionThe war in Divergent never happened. From the POV of Emerald, an abnegation transfer. Returning of characters. Will have a lot of FourTris! !!Unedited!!