I lay on the floor, Marcus is smiling holding a belt. I look around and see Joey, Four, and Thomas standing next to him they all hold their own belts. Marcus is the first to hit me, second is joey, then Thomas and Four. I start screaming, the louder I scream the harder they hit. They call me names, say that no one likes me, and no one will ever care about me. Marcus then grabs my shoulders and violently shakes me.
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I open my eyes, I see Thomas shaking me. I start screaming and I back away from him. "Get away from me" I scream and back off the bed. He then starts to run to me. "I said to stay away from me" I scream. He then backs away from me and grabs his phone. Tris and Four walk in, Four walks up to me, "get away." I scream at him, he backs up and Tris slowly approaches me.
"Emerald what's wrong?" she asks now kneeling in front of me. "Get them away from me." I say through my sobs.
"Boys please stand outside." She says.
"Emerald what's wrong?" she asks again, then hugs me.
"They were there, I saw them hit me." I say hugging her tight.
"Who are you talking about?"
"F-Four, Thomas, J-Joey, and Marcus."
"What were they doing?"
"Beating me" I say, crying harder.
"Thomas and Four would never do that to you."
"b-but I saw them"
"That wasn't real, it was a dream, and they would never hurt you." Then Thomas and Four walk back in.
"Emerald, I would never hurt you." Thomas says.
"Then why were you shaking me?" I ask.
"You were screaming in your sleep, nothing I tried to do to wake you worked, that's why I was shaking you." I then stand up and hug Thomas and Four, I cry into them. Thomas, Four, and Tris surround me, protecting me with their arms.Tris and I lay on the bed she is asleep, Four is sleeping on the couch that is still in the bedroom, and Thomas is laying on the ground, I think he is sleeping. I then get out of the bed and curl up next to Thomas, he then wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep.
_____page brake_____
I wake up laying in the bed. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He says. I give him a sleepy smile and lay my head back on his chest. He starts to play with my hair, twirling it around his fingers.
"I'm sorry about last night." I say.
"I would never hit you, I promise." He says, I hug him. We get up and get dressed, he walked with me to the elevator. "See you later, be safe." He says and kisses my forehead. "You too" I say standing on my tiptoes to kiss him, the top of my head hits him mid chest. I get on the elevator Thomas and I look at each other until the doors close. I can see my reflation on the metal walls, none of the wombs Marcus gave me is visible, I wear a black jacket, and black jeans, and the things I wear all the time. My right wrist has a scar and bruising from the first time he hit me, jerking me back to him, my glove covers it.
"Hey cutie" Marabella says, I smile. "Are you okay?" she asks, I nod. I smile a friendly at Eric, George, Uriah, Tris, other people, and Max, I don't know if he noticed. I start reading the papers and start my summaries.Marabella grabs my right hand and pulls off my glove, sending an explosion of pain throw it. "I knew you weren't okay, what happened? Did Thomas do this?"
"shhh and no he didn't" I say quietly putting back on the glove. "What happened?" She asks again. "I fell" I say, I'm not lying the belt pulled me back and I did fall. "Okay" she says and drops the subject. No one sees it again, when it's time to leave I bring my work with me, Eric and I get in the elevator. "You don't have to bring your work home." He says, I smile and nod. "What wrong?" he asks. "Why does every one assume something is wrong with me?" I don't yell but I say it loud. "This is the first thing you have said all day, you all ways add sarcasm or say what's on your mind, I know there is something wrong." He says in a calm voice. "Nothing is wrong." I fire back. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." I say at a more appropriate volume, the doors open and I walk out.When I get back to the apartment Thomas is not there, I set on the couch and start to finish my work. When I finish Thomas is still not here, I pull my knees into my chest, I am alone I realize. I don't cry but I feel like I can, I haven't apologized to Four yet, and I cannot stop thinking about Marcus' beatings, I am now used to the constant pain in my hand when I use it. Marcus has only beat me once, he will only beat me once, but Four was beat every day, I start to tear up at this. There is a knock at the door, I wipe my face with the soft fabric of my glove, and answer the door, its Four. "I'm sorry about last night." I say hugging him as soon as I shut the door, he hugs me back, "it's okay, just know I would never do that." We then set on the couch. "How do you feel?" he asks. "I've been better." I reply. "Here I got this for you." He says putting a bracelet in my hand, it is a charm that is half a heart on the front it says "Lil' Sis" on the back it says "from your big bro 4" "I got Zeke to make it. If you ever need something press the charm, if you're in trouble press it twice, I will be there. I have one too," he then takes out his keys the other half of the heart is on the key ring it says 'Big Bro' " I got Zeke to make it, he put a small communicating device in it." I put it on.
"Did you tell Zeke?" I ask.
"Yes, he won't tell anyone."
"Thank you, Four."
"When it's just us you can call me Tobias."
"You trust me that much?" I say looking up at him.
"You're my baby sister, I love you, and you and Tris are the only family I have left."
"Thomas, Tris, and you are the only family I have left, and I'm not leaving."
"You have your mother and Matthew."
"I don't think so, yesterday my mom yelled at me and told me to leave."
"Well you will all ways have me." he says and hugs me, I hugging him back.
"I've got to go, you know what to do if you need Me." he says and walks out.Thomas in walks in and plops on the couch. "Do you want to play a video game?" he asks. "Yes" I say and grab the controller. We start talking about our day as we play.
"So who was work?" I ask.
"It was fine." Then I kill him, "no fair" he says, I smirk. "How was yours?" he asks setting down the controller. "It was okay, I kind of yelled at Eric" I say.

Dauntles Black Heart
FanfictionThe war in Divergent never happened. From the POV of Emerald, an abnegation transfer. Returning of characters. Will have a lot of FourTris! !!Unedited!!