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DBH Ch12
I wake up to a nock on the door. "Emerald, it's me, Tris" I look around Thomas isn't here. "Come on in," I tell her. She walks in, " Thomas went to get breakfast and told me to come here." She says sitting on the bed. I try to stand, Tris catches me. "Just help me walk to the shower," I say to Tris. I shower, get dressed, do hair and makeup, and when I walk out of the bathroom I see Tris, Christina, Marlene, Shauna, and Kayla sitting on the bed. "Umm... good morning everyone. Where is Thomas?" I say. "Still hasn't come back," Kayla answers. Then Thomas walks in. "Here Emerald. Umm... Tris I said you need to check on her, not invite everyone for a party." He says handing me the plate, Tris rolls her eyes. "What took you so long?" She says. "I um... the food took a long time to get." Then he runs his hand through his hair and rubs his neck.
"He's lying," Christina says
"How could you tell?" He asks
"When you lie you run your hands through your hair and then on your neck," She answers.
"No I don't." And he puts his hands behind his back. The other girls laugh and they leave telling us by.
"Where were you?" I ask
"Eric and some of the guys asked me to come watch them play a video game. Then I started to play with them. Also we're playing truth or dare later," he says.

We walk to the training room, when it is my turn I sit in the chair. Tris tells me to try and hide my divergence, then she injects me.

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I open my eyes, I'm in a glass box, I lay on my back, I can see the blue sky. Then the box starts to go downward, when it stops, it's five feet underground. I still see the sky, then the dirt starts flying onto the box. When all the light is gone, I have to remind myself to breath. I'm being buried alive. This is a simulation. I start to push up on the box. I wish the ropes, that lowered me would pull me up. Then the box starts to move upward.

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After waking up Thomas and I go back to his apartment. "Want to play a video game??" He asks me.
"I'll try." He hands mea controller and shows me what the buttons push. I die so many times that I lost count. My person was killed more than he killed. I keep trying until it's time for truth or dare.

All of the initiates are there Tris, Four, Uriah, Marlene, Shauna, Zeke, Lynn, Jack, Kayla, Eric, Christina, and Will are there. Uriah starts, "Jack candor or dauntless?"
"Run into the pit screaming and when someone asks what's wrong tell them to be quite then walk away like nothing happened." Jack gets up, Uriah goes because he made the dare, Lynn and Zeke go to be witness. They come back laughing.
"Payton candor or dauntless?"
"I dare you to drink ketchup," Payton has a look of disgust but does it anyway.
"Uriah candor or dauntless?"
"Steal some cake for all of us from the cafeteria." Uriah gets up and everyone high fives Payton. He comes back in and gives us cake.
"James," he is a dauntless born "candor or dauntless?"
"I dare you to kiss Zekes head." James does.
"Four, candor or dauntless?"
"I dare you and Emerald to play seven minutes in heaven." I look over to Tris, she nods telling me it's okay. Four and I get up and go to the closet.
"So how are thing going with the wedding?" I brake the silence. " I don't really know. Christina planning every thing. How are things with you and tommy?" I smile. "There good. And what's with the Tommy?"
"When we play on the Xbox it won't say Thomas it will only say Tommy."
"Speaking of the box, can you teach me to play?" I say.
"The Xbox, why do you want to know how to play?"
"I want to surprise Thomas, and he tried to teach me and I still suck."
"Okay, meet me at my apartment tomorrow, and I won't tell Thomas."
I smile. "You're a really good girlfriend." He says, , I must have looked confused. "Most girlfriends want the boyfriend to stay off the Xbox. But here you are wanting to learn how so you can spend time with him. When a guy wants to teach a girl how to play, they want to spend time with their favorite person, doing their favorite thing. But when a guy asks, the girl takes it as an insult.""Did you learn this from past experiences?" I joke.
"Not mine, Zeke's." I like this Four more than the instructor Four. He tells me about his and Tris' first kiss, and other little things. "Why is your name Four?" I ask. Then Uriah opens the door to tell us times up. I'm happy that I will make Thomas happy by learning to play. I sit back down next to Thomas. Four continues the game.
"Tyler, candor or dauntless?"
"I dare you to go up to the first person you see in the pit and ask them out." Tyler, Four, Kayla, Lynn, and Zeke go to the pit. They come back laughing.
"Thomas candor or dauntless?"
"I dare you and Emerald to exchange an article of clothing." He takes off his jacket and I take off my flip flops. His jacket is worm and smells like him.
"Payton, candor or dauntless?"
"What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?"
"On my first date with Eric, he asked me a question and I was so nervous that I just keep repeating the same word over and over. Emerald candor or dauntless?"
"I dare you to get on a table in the pit and sing a duet with Thomas." Thomas and I stand every one follows us. Then Tris plugs her phone into an amp. Thomas and I jump on a table and wait for the song to start. It's 'you're the one that i want' from Grease. Every one in dauntless looks to Thomas and I. He starts singing.
"I got chills,
They're multiplying,
And I'm losing control,
'Cause the power you're supplying,
It's electrifying!"
All of our friends are laughing. I've never sang out loud before, now it's my turn.
"You better shape up,
'Cause I need a man,
And my heart is set on you,
You better shape up,
You better understand,
To my heart I must be true,
Nothing left,
Nothing left for me to do"
When we finish every one claps, Thomas and I take bow, we jump off the table. "That was amazing." They say to us. From just hearing my singing it's not the prettiest but it's okay. Thomas' voice was good for a guy.

At 10 we go back to Thomas' apartment, he gave me back my shoes after we had to sing, but I was cold so I kept his jacket on. I fall asleep wearing his jacket, and his arms wrapped around me.

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The next day nothing really happened, I was buried alive again. I'm waiting for someone to get Thomas so I can go to Four's. There is a knock at the door, it's Uriah, Tyler, and Eric. They force him to go somewhere, when they are out of the hallway I walk to Four's.
Christina and Tris sit at the table talking about the wedding, Four is sitting on the couch with Zeke. "Let's get this lesson started," Zeke says rubbing his hands together. I sit on the floor with my back leaning on the couch. I watch Zeke vs. Four, Four wins. I think the reason the dauntless boys like this game is because it's violent. Then Four goes over the buttons and shows me how to do things, then I play against him, I lose. Tris and Christina left, I'm getting better, I'm not dying as much.

Then Thomas walks through the door I jump up and hand/throw the controller to Zeke. "What's up with Eric and Uriah, they were acting strange?" Thomas says sitting on the couch, I sit on the floor facing him. "Emerald what are you doing here?"
"I was looking for Tris." I don't want to lie to him but this isn't going to ruin our relationship, right?
"Uriah is always strange," Zeke changes the subject.
"I know, but it was different." Then hands Thomas the controller, I watch Thomas' moves.

When Thomas and I walk back to his apartment we sit on the bed. "What is something you like to do?" He asks me.
"I like spending time with you."
"No, I mean like Christina likes shopping and the guys like playing Xbox, what do you like to do?" I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know. I'm not a big fan of shopping. Why don't you play the Xbox?"
"I want to do something with you."
"Let's go on a walk or something like that." "Okay" we get up and start walking.

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After training I go to Four's, I told Thomas that I was helping plan the wedding. I sit on the ground like yesterday, last night after Thomas went to sleep I got up and played on his Xbox for awhile. First I play against Zeke, and I win. "Dude you got beat by a girl," Four says.
"She got good. You play her," Zeke says handing him the controller. I play and use the moves I have watched Thomas use, I beat Four. Zeke burst into laughter.

Then Uriah, Eric, Tyler, Will, come in. "What do you mean Four was beat by a girl?" Uriah asks. Then Zeke points to me. "You, me, let's go," Will says pointing at me. He takes a seat and I run behind his character stab him, shoot him, then throw a bomb his character explodes. "Oh my... that was..." Uriah says. Then I play Tyler and Uriah winning. "Now try against Eric, he has the second highest score," Four says. "Who's first?" I ask. "Tommy." He replies.
Eric was ahead by a few points, then I was about to kill him which would have tied us, he pushes my hand off the controller, making me miss him. Two can play at that game. He goes to shoot me, I elbow him in the shoulder. I win in the end.
"That hurt," Eric says rubbing his shoulder. "What's your dignity?" Zeke says, Eric rolls his eyes. "I think she's ready for Thomas," Four says. Then he texts Thomas saying that someone beat Eric, and wanted to beat him. I go into Four and Tris' bedroom.

"What do you mean? Where is he?" Thomas says walking throw the door. "Well they beat all of us then said that they want to play against you," Four says. "Where is he?" Thomas asks he seams a little mad. Then I walk out the bedroom to where they are. I put a hand on my hip and then other is holding a controller. "She is right here, Tommy boy," I say and he turns around.
"Emerald?" I take a step toward him, he runs to me and hugs me. "You... I knew I heard someone playing last night. And you weren't here to talk about the wedding were you?" I shake my head.
"I did this so we could spend time together."
"You did this for me?" I nod.
"Are we going to play or not?" I ask.
"You're on, loser does dishes."he says then the girls walk in.
"Loser kisses winner." Chistina says.
Thomas and I start playing, I use every move that I have seen him do.When the game is over the screen says that I have the high score. Every one jumps up taking me and Thomas with them. "Have fun with the dishes," I say.
"Although I lost," he starts but is cut of by Uriah. "Yeah like your dignity and the high score." Thomas rolls his eyes, "as I was saying, one good thing is this." He kisses me. "No, not like that be more romantic." Marlene says. Then he grabs me spins me around in his arms and kisses me. "Much better." Marlene says.

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