DBH Ch11
Today is Cam's funeral, so there won't be training today. Thomas and I go get breakfast with our friends. "Emerald, what to go zip linking today?" Uriah asks. I look at Thomas, "sounds like fun."We jump on the train. I sit next to Thomas, we hang our feet over the edge. Four said he was busy, but every one else is coming. When we jump off, Zeke tells us to go inside the elevator. Every one gets in except Zeke and Shauna. The elevator doors close but do not move, after 5 mins it slowly climbs up. When the doors finally open Zeke and Shauna are already there. "We took the stairs" he answers a question that was not asked. Then a man dressed in black comes around the corner.
It's Four, Tris runs to him. "What are you doing here?" She ask. "To do this." He let's go of Tris, gets on one knee, and pulls out a little black box with a ring, "Tris, I don't think I'm in love with you, I know I am. Will you marry me?" She looks like she could cry, she nods. He gets up and puts the ring on her finger. When the break away from their kiss, Thomas wraps his arms around my waist. Then the girls run up to Tris and start squealing.
Tris and Four go down first. Then Uriah and Marlene, that haven't said they were together the way they look at each other I can tell. Next is Lynn and Jack, Christina and Will, Eric and Payton, Kayla and Tyler. I think they have gotten really close. Now it is our turn, we get in face first. Breath... in... out... I remind myself. Then Zeke pushes us.
I feel like I'm flying, I truly feel... free. Thomas grabs my hand, "get ready to jump." He yells through the wind. "Jump?" Then I see a crowd of people that are supposed to catch us. We jump, he wraps me in his arms as we fall. Hands catch us and set us down. Thomas sits on the grass I sit in his lap, when Zeke and Shauna get to the ground they all sit by us. "So how was it?" Tris asks me. "I love it." She smiles at my answer.
The funeral will start in a few minutes. I wear a black shirt that shows my shoulder, black shorts, leather jacket, my black glove with the purple on it, and my knife. Thomas has on a nice black shirt and dark jeans, that is as dressy as the dauntless will get. We walk in silence to the pit. I see Tyler and Kayla by the closed casket. It makes me smile to know they have each other to get through the pain. Eric, Uriah, and Max make a speech, after they finish we all raise a beer or a lighter in Cam's honor.
It's also visiting day, I hope my parents will come but I'm prepared for them not to. Thomas stands behind me. I look around and see the face I though I would never see again. Joey.Joey was four years older than me, he lived next door, he was like my brother
"Emerald?" He says, walking towards me.
"Joey." I say running to hug him. Thomas stands behind me. "Emerald, who's this?" Joey asks looking at Thomas. "This is Thomas, my boyfriend." I answer, "Thomas, this is Joey, he's like my older brother." Then Thomas says "hello." And sticks his hand out to shake Joey's. Joey doesn't shake hands. Then someone starts calling for Thomas, "be back in a minute." He says then turns around."Emerald, how have you been?" He asks as we sit at a table. "Fine."
"Emerald, umm... that guy, Thomas, I don't think you should go out with him anymore." I'm speechless.
"You don't even know him," I say back.
"Emerald, I'm your older brother, I know what's best." I stand up and start to yell, "you've been out of my life for four years. Transferred to eurdite and when I came on visiting day you said you didn't know me, didn't care about me. I think it's time for you to leave."
"I'm not leaving," he yells back. Then Thomas, Four, and Uriah stand next to Joey, "I think it's time for you to leave." Four says. Joey doesn't move then Eric walks up, "you might want to walk out before you can't walk ever again."
"Whatever, I'm leaving." Joey says and starts walking, he turns around and says, "Emerald, I'm doing this for you own good." Then he talks louder. "Emerald, I can't believe that the only reason your dating Thomas is to make sure you get into dauntless." Then with a pleased smile, turns and walks out, everyone has their eyes on me. I look to Thomas then he runs away, I run after him.

Dauntles Black Heart
FanfictionThe war in Divergent never happened. From the POV of Emerald, an abnegation transfer. Returning of characters. Will have a lot of FourTris! !!Unedited!!