"Emerald, I have a surprise for you." Thomas says.
"Okay, I'm coming" I say. We ride the train to the factionless sector.
"What are we doing?" I ask.
"Just wait a minute and I will tell you" he says. We walk hand in hand down the streets.
"We are here" he says, we stand in front of a dirty little house.
"Mr. James how are you?" a woman says, "good to meet you Mrs. James. My name is Beth."
"Hello" I say.
"Follow me he is over here." She says, Thomas walks inside before me. She opens a bedroom door, Thomas and I walk in. a little boy sets on the ground playing with a toy car. The boy has dark dirty blonde hair and green eyes he can't be older than six.
"Are you here to play with me?" the boy asks.
"Yep" Thomas says and sets down next to him.
"My name is Thomas, this is Emerald," Thomas says pointing to me, "what is your name?"
"My name is Tommy" he says. Tommy hands Thomas a car and they start to race. I set down next to Thomas, watching them play puts a smile on my face.
"Do you want to color?" Tommy asks.
"Sounds like a lot of fun" I say. Thomas, Tommy, and I set at a little plastic table with paper, markers, colors, and other arts and crafts things."Mr. and Mrs. James, it time to go" Beth says. Thomas and I stand up and walk out the bedroom.
"Will you come play tomorrow?" Tommy asks.
"We will be here tomorrow" Thomas says, Tommy has a big smile on his face.Thomas sets on the couch I set next to him.
"Emerald, I saw how happy Tommy made you" Thomas says, he looks at me, "I talked to Beth, Tommy is five years old, and amity born, he is in factionless because his mother and father died when he was three and he doesn't have any other family." I look at Thomas, "we can adopt him if you want." My eyes widen, my jaw drops, I hug Thomas.
"Yes please" I say with tears of joy in my eyes.
"Since he is factionless he was kicked out of school, he will have some catching up to do." Thomas says.
"We can catch him up" I say.
"Tomorrow we can sign the papers" he says.Page brake
After work Thomas and I nearly run to the little house. First Thomas and I sign the papers then we walk into Tommy's room. Tommy smiles when we walk in.
"You came" he says running to us and hugging him.
"Why wouldn't we have come?" I ask.
"Everyone that comes to play with me doesn't come back" he says.
"Tommy you need to pack your back" Beth says, Tommy's smile gets even bigger.
"You get to go home with us" Thomas says. Tommy then puts his two toy cars, a piece of folded paper, a little book, and a small piece of red fabric into a book sack. We walk to the train tracks, Thomas holds Tommy's left hand and I hold is right hand.
"I have never been on a train" Tommy says.
"I will help you" Thomas says. When the train comes Thomas picks Tommy up and I hold Tommy's book sack. When we walk inside our apartment all of our friends jump out.
"Welcome home" they all say. I introduce Tommy to everyone. Our friends left to go eat dinner, Thomas and I showed Tommy is room, we moved to a two bed room apartment when I found out I was pregnant, Tommy is changing into black clothes.
"We get a family" I say.
"Yes, I won't let anything happen to it." Thomas says pulling me close. Tommy walks out his room.
"Would it be okay if I called you mommy and daddy?" Tommy asks.
"Yes" Thomas and I say at the same time and hug Tommy. We walk to the cafeteria and eat. Tommy sets in between Thomas and me, I can tell he is a little scared of all the dauntless. The piercings and tattoos can be scary to a little kid that has never lived around it.
"Hi, I'm Brantley" Brantley says.
"I'm Tommy" Tommy says.
"Come meet my friends" Brantley says.
"Can I?" Tommy asks looking at Thomas and me.
"Yes, we will be right here" Thomas says. When Tommy comes back he is holding a letter.
"Mommy that lady asked me to give this to you" he says and points to Payton. Thomas pushes Tommy behind him and Payton starts running. I run after her with the letter in my hands. She runs to the chasm.
"Emerald please read the letter" she says then jumps. I run to the side of the chasm, the water violently takes her body under and throws her like a rag doll. Payton just jumped.
"What..." Thomas says standing next to me, Tommy is standing behind Four.
"She jumped" I say and look down at the letter.
"What is in it?" Thomas asks. I open the letter, it reads:Dear Emerald,
I am truly sorry I killed your baby. Peter told me to, he said that if I didn't he would leave me. This morning I found him and Paige, the initiate from this year, laying on the bed making out. I should not have done that to you. The way you looked at me when you came into the waiting room made me realize I should not have done that. I'm sorry I have messed up your life. I'm jumping over the chasm so I can't mess up your life or anyone else's life anymore. Peter doesn't love me, you hate me, everyone hates me. I know I can't bring him back but I'm so sorry. I can't believe I am so stupid. I don't hate you for killing her, I know it was an accident. I don't hate you. I killed your baby on purpose, please hate me, I deserve to be hated.
From Payton
I put my hand over my mouth, I don't know what to say. Thomas, Tommy, and I go back to the apartment.
"Did that lady say anything else to you?" Thomas asks.
"She said to give the letter to my mommy and that she was sorry. Why is she sorry?" Tommy says.
"She was mean to your daddy and me." I say, "Honey, it's getting late go get ready for bed." Thomas goes into the bathroom to show Tommy were everything is. Then there is a frantic knock on the door, I open it to Claire, she runs into the room.
"Emerald, I need your help" she says.
"Okay, what is it?" I say.
"Eric... he asked me out" she says.
"What did you say?" I ask.
"I said I needed to talk to you then I ran away from him."
"Do you want to?" I ask.
"Yes, but what if I do something stupid"
"He likes you for you" I say.
"Your right" she says then opens the door, Eric was just about to knock. Claire then slams the door in his face.
"I can't do it" she says.
"Claire set on the couch," I say then open the door, "Eric go ask her"
"Claire... umm do you want to go out some time?" Eric asks.
"I- I- umm yes" she says. Thomas is now standing behind me.
"It's about time he asked her out" he says in my ear.
"You knew?" I ask.
"I could tell on the first day of training when they came in late." He says. Eric and Claire walk out and Thomas and I set on the couch. Tommy comes out of the bathroom later.
"Mommy and daddy, can you read me a bed time story?" Tommy asks.
"Yes" Thomas says. Tommy pulls a book out of his book sack and hands it to Thomas. Tommy lays in the bed Thomas sets next to Tommy so he can see the pictures and I set on the foot of the bed. The book is 'The Tale of Despereaux' by Kate DiCamillo.
"You can read some of it tonight, some more tomorrow, and more the next night." Tommy says.
"Okay" Thomas says, and begins reading. Tommy fell asleep after a while, Thomas and I kiss his forehead, I look around the room and see the little piece of folded paper laying on the ground, I pick it up and look at it. It's a drawing of himself, Thomas, and me. We all hold hands, above my head it says 'mommy' over Thomas' head it says 'daddy' and over Tommy's head it says 'Tommy' and at the top it says 'family'. I put the piece of paper back in his book sack and get into my bed next to Thomas. I have a family.

Dauntles Black Heart
FanficThe war in Divergent never happened. From the POV of Emerald, an abnegation transfer. Returning of characters. Will have a lot of FourTris! !!Unedited!!