Today I'm trying on dresses. In a few days it will be a year since I died and came back to life, that is also the day Thomas and I will get married. Initiation is over, Claire was the only divergent. I think her and Eric are getting close, I know her and I have. Christina had a baby girl, they named her Bea. Payton and I are not friends but she is not trying to kill me.
"Try this on" Christina says, handing me a dress. Every dress I have tried on is either too long or I'm to short. I try on the dress she hands me. I put it on, it has a long train, it's beautiful but it's not the one. I try on ten or fifteen more dresses then I put on one I love. It's supposed to stop at my knees, Christina will fix that problem, it as one shoulder with three flowers on it. I also get a new glove, its black silk, it covers the top of my hand and my wrist, and has a string to go around my middle finger. I walk out to show the girls, they all loved it, it is the one. Then Christina says we can go to lunch.I wonder how the guys are doing. Christina is leaving to pick out their tuxes.
Thomas POV
Christina just got here to pick out the suits. I wonder how the girls are doing. I don't know why I'm nerves, but I am.
"Dude, calm down" Uriah says.
"I am" I say.
"Yah sure" he says.
"I am" I say.
"Boys," Christina says, "set down, Thomas come with me" I follow her. I put on the suit and try to tie the tie, I put it in a knot.
"Goodness, boy" Christina says then ties it correctly. I turn and look in the mirror.
"Okay, next suit" she says. I thought it looked good, I don't see the difference between all the tuxes. The next suit has a bow tie, I again tie it into a knot. Christina sighs and fits it, again. I turn and look into the mirror.
"I look like James Bond" I say, Christina pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head.
"Okay, Thomas," Christina starts I cut her off.
"It's James Bond" I say.
"Okay, James Bond, go set on the couch the boys are sitting on, don't touch anything." She says. I stick my tongue out at her.
"Emerald doesn't need to have kids, she has you." She says then takes the boys to the back. I set by myself on the couch. I walk up to the mirror. I can't believe Emerald will be my wife, this doesn't feel real. My father most likely will not be coming to the wedding, that is what I expected. It good to know that somethings never change, my father still calls me an idiot or stupid. He calls me that because I did not have the best grades, mostly 'C's.I snap my fingers, point to myself in the mirror, and wink. I don't care what Christina thinks, I look like James Bond. I then use my fingers as a gun and I start to walk back and forward in the mirror.
"The name is Bond," I say then shoot my finger gun, "James Bond." Then I blow on the gun. I hear laughing and turn around to see Marlene, Shana, Tris, Kayla, and Claire.
"And I thought Uriah was bad" Marlene says through laughter.
"I am not worse than Uriah," I say, "where is Emerald?"
"You two aren't allowed to see each other." Shana says.
"But I am going to show her the video" Marlene says, I realize that she got the hole James Bond thing on her phone.Then Christina and the boys walk out, they have on a black tux with a black tie.
"Guys you have to watch this video" Marlene says.
"No, there is going to be a slide show at the wedding we have to play it there." Tris says.
"Thank Tris, glad to know you will all ways have my back" I say.
"That is what friends are for" she says. Then the girls leave and Christina and another woman start to take measurements. Then they make me stand on a step, there is three mirrors in front of me. When they finish with me they make me change back into my close, then move on to Four.
"What's on the video?" Zeke asks.
"A sexy guy in a suit" I reply.
"So the video wasn't about you." He says.All of the boys have come back and Christina stands in front of us.
"tonight is the bachelor party, only two beers each, don't do anything stupid, you must go to sleep at 8 o'clock, no calling nor texting the girls, and none of the boys can see the girls and none of the girls can see the boys," she looks at me, "make sure he doesn't get out this time. Okay now you may go party." Then she walks back to where Emerald and the girls are.Emerald POV
The girls come back laughing.
"Emerald you have to watch this." They say, I take Marlene's phone and watch the video. It's of Thomas, he is standing in front of a mirror in a tux.
"Please tell me he didn't brake anything" I say still looking at the screen. Then Thomas does his James Bond impression. I put my hand on my face.
"I'm marring a child" I say.When Christina finally comes back, I set on the couch as the other take their turn as the dress up doll. They try on a lot of dresses, I'm glad it's not my turn anymore.
Now they walk out in the same dress, I love it, it is comfortable, looks good, it's the one. The bridesmaid's dresses are black, knee length, and one shoulder.
"I love it" I say. We get the dresses.
"tonight is the bachelorette party, no alcohol, don't do anything stupid, we are going to sleep at 8 o'clock, no calling or texting the boys, and the girls can't see the boys and the boys can't see the girls," Christina then looks at me, "everyone has to keep a close eye on her. Okay now let's go get our party on."

Dauntles Black Heart
FanfictionThe war in Divergent never happened. From the POV of Emerald, an abnegation transfer. Returning of characters. Will have a lot of FourTris! !!Unedited!!