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"Are you ready yet?" my best friend Alaska yelled from my room.

I was currently in my bathroom deciding what outfit to wear to the party we were going to. I had on a pair of skinny jeans and a Lana Del Rey shirt, my dirty blonde hair was done in a side braid. I shrugged and opened the door seperating my room and my bathroom.

"How's this?" I asked Alaska, spinning in a circle.

"Good. How do I look?" she got up and did the same.

She was wearing a pair of my black skinny jeans, one of her cut off shirts with a cross on it, and a pair of blue marble Vans. Her brown hair was curled and she had her bangs pinned back.

Alaska was a year younger than me but we had been best friends since I moved to Omaha in the 8th grade. I had a lot of other friends here but Alaska was the one I talked to the most.

"Good. Let's go," I said grabbing my phone and leaving my room.

My parents were thankfully gone so they wouldn't know that I was going to a party. My younger sister, Zoe, was sitting on the couch watching us.

"Where are you going?" she asked looking at us.

"No where."

"Can I go? If you say no I'll tell mom and dad and you'll never be able to leave until you graduate," she threatened.

"Fine. But you have to leave us alone," I agreed.

She jumped off the couch and followed us to my car. We drove to the house where the party was at, okay we had to park a few blocks away and walked to the house. Zoe went over to where some people I assumed she knew were standing. Alaska and I went to get something to drink.

"Look Lakyn," Alaska said as I took a drink.

I looked to where she was pointing and gagged. I saw Jack Gilinsky, my crush since 8th grade, standing with some people I knew from school. I chugged whatever I was drinking and sat down my cup, sighing.

"Why is he so perfect?" I asked, still staring at him.

"Oh god," Alaska made a gagging sound.

"Shut up," I elbowed her.


As the night went on Alaska and I got seperated and I looked everywhere for her. At one point I guess I wasn't looking where I was going very well because I ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry," I said and looked to see who it was.

I let out a small gasp as my brain recognized who it was. It was Jack.

"It's fine," he smiled at me, "Lakyn right?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

He smiled and I smiled back.

"I should probably get back to looking for my friend," I said.

"Well maybe I'll see you around some time," he said.

"Yeah. Maybe you will," I smiled and walked away.


It had been about thirty more minutes and there was still no sign of Alaska. I decided to stop looking and went to get another drink. As I was walking to get a drink I saw Jack Gilinsky standing there.

"Lakyn," he said, when he spotted me, "Are you stalking me?

I let out a laugh, "Nope. I guess it's just fate."

"I guess so. So if it's fate can I get your number?"

I laughed and put my number in his phone. Just then I saw Zoe and Alaska.

Our Little Secret (Jack Gilinsky and Sam Wilkinson)Where stories live. Discover now