Chapter 6

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Authors POV.

It's been a month now that Hiccup and Astrid have been together. The whole village knows now and the only 1 who took it hard was Snotlout. He got pissy with Astrid and Hiccup when they explained. He punched hiccup in the face, and as everybody knows, Astrid wasn't going to take that.

Astrid punched Snotlout in the face a few times... Than kicked him in his family jewels. Well, let's just say Snotlout is ok with it now. Right now though, is what Hiccup is soon to be doing.

Hiccup's POV.

It's been a month since me and Astrid have been Dating. I'm the only 1 that can distract her or interrupt her training soo I just did.

"Hey Hicc, what do you need babe?"

"Well you see...."


"Um do you remember that condition you made me promise? When I asked you to be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah, why???"

"Well...I found a new island north of here...."

"Ok...when do we leave?"

"That's the problem.... I don't want you going with.....I just want you safe..."

"WHAT?!?! You know you said I can go on the next Journey!!!!!"

"I know, I know.. But if there is a new species of dragon... One that is dangerous... I don't know if I could let you get hurt..."

After what I said I looked down. It's true. If anything happened to her.. I wouldn't want to live. I'd rather die before she ever gets hurt or dies herself..

She than came closer to me, lifted my chin and kissed me. So I deepened the kiss. When she pulled away she said

"Hicc, I don't care. As long as i'm with you, than I'll be happy. I love you and if I don't go, how do I know I'll see you again? What if what your saying is true? Than I'll be the 1 here worried an heart broken. Please let me go."

I can't argue with that. Plus Toothless was behind her giving me the puppy dog eyes. What is with him turning against me?

"Fine. But at any sign of danger, even if it's small, you fly or run away. Leave me and go. Don't look back. Got that?"

I asked her, looking straight in her eyes. I could tell she was terrified if that was to happen.

"Hiccup, that's not fair. I do-

"Astrid. That's the only way I'll let you come. Promise me that. Please."

I could see a tear drop forming. I didn't want to be like this to her. But I can't let her get hurt.


"Thank you Astrid."

I gave her a hug. She hugged me back tightly. She had a few tears fall, so I wiped them away and gave her a kiss.

Astrid's POV.

I can't believe he just made me promise that..of all things to make me promise, he made me promise to run away from a fight and let him get killed? I love him too much to do that. But it's because I love him I'll listen. I was crying, he wiped away my tears and kissed me.

"Hiccup, it's not fair that you get to fight...."

"I know Astrid. You train to. But it's my responsibility as a boyfriend to keep you safe and make sure u come home alive....even if it means I don't."

"Don't say that... Your going to come home with me.... I won't let you stay behind. I'll find you."

"I love you Astrid."

"I love you too..."

We got on our dragons to get home. I wasn't in a mood to train anymore after what he said. I can't lose him. We only been together a month. That's too soon to lose the love of your life.

We got to my house and got off. He gave me a kiss goodnight. When he left, I shut the door, slid down it and cried. What would I do without him?

The next morning, I woke up early to get to Hiccups house before he wakes. I wanted to make him breakfast. So as I got there, I started cooking. After I was done, I went up to his room to wake him. I whispered,

"Hiccup, baby come on. Wake up babe."

"Hmmm....what? Astrid? ASTRID??? What are you here for?"

"I wanted to make you breakfast!! And I felt bad about yesterday... I'm sorry..."

"Astrid it's ok.. I just wanted you safe. I'm sorry."

Hiccup's POV.

Astrid just woke me up, made me breakfast and said sorry. I didn't expect it at all!! But I'm glad. I know I have the best girlfriend in the world, And hopefully soon to be wife.

I got up out of bed and went to get dressed. Astrid went back downstairs. I got dressed and hugged her from behind. :)

"Hey babe. Whatcha make?"

"Some pancakes for the big baby ;)"

"Big baby? Well than, I think I'm just not gonna eat than hmph."

"Awe come on Hiccup!!! It's your favorite. Plus I made them especially for you!!! Pwease :(?"

"Fine, for you I guess..."


I started eating, and they were actually not bad. I was thinking. Than Astrid asked me a question.

"When do we leave???"

"Oh right...I forgot. We leave tomorrow morning. You have to pack.."

"Ok... Will you help? I mean if your already packed...."

"Yeah I'll help. I've been packed for 2 days."

"Thank you :)"

Astrid and I were leaving tomorrow.. It should be fun... I just hope all goes well. It's a big island. You never know what leeks about....

Authors note..

Do you all who read like the story? It's my first on here. So I'm just wondering... Next update might be later tonight or tomorrow for sure.

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