Chapter 23

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Hiccup's POV.

I woke up in bed and thought about yesterday. Astrid was really upset because of that nightmare. The worst part it, I've heard about things like this. From a village not far from here, the elder once told me

"If two people are close enough, than one can have the emotion to see into the future. Dreams or nightmares, one never knows, but will happen."

After I thought about that, I got the chills. I mean yeah, it's scary, but I'm not the type to back away anymore. I'm the chiefs son and heir. I can't be afraid. Even if it means my life is lost.

I got out of bed to get some breakfast. I got dressed first in my armor and brought my helmet. It's only about 5 but I needed to air. I ate some bread than got Toothless some fish. Once we were done we left out for a flight. I put my helmet on and we flew.

We flew for a few hours. By the time I figured we stop, I saw the cliff. It's always nice there. So we set down on it and I thought for a long time about that nightmare. I mean if it is to happen, than I hope Astrid is nowhere near to see it. I don't want her hurt.

Astrid's POV.

I woke up this morning around 7. It was nice, so I got up and dressed. I grabbed something to eat downstairs and fed Stormfly as I did. I figured Hiccup wasn't up yet so I walked to his house. I walked in and went up stairs..

"HICCUP! Not again!"

Sure enough he wasn't there. I looked around and saw his bags. That's a good sign. No armor or helmet though. So he must be doing some new stunt than. I walked out and got some groceries for home. After that I walked around. I asked the team if I saw them

"Have you seen Hiccup today?"

And always their answer was

"No, sorry Astrid."

Really? How does he always just disappear? I mean honestly. I was starting to get worried now. I looked all around Berk and nobody seen him. EVEN his own father.... So around 2 Stormfly and I took a flight to find him.

We went down to the cove at 2:30 and saw no sign of him. Great. I really wanted to hang out. But knowing him he is probably thinking somew...... I know where he is!!!

I got back on Stormfly to go toward the cliff. He always is there to think. Sure enough I saw him sitting there talking to Toothless. I flew down away from them and snuck up to hear what he was saying...

"Ok bud, what do you think I should do?"


"I do t know Toothless. I need her safe but I need to figure out a way."

A way to what? What is he thinking about? I'm just going to walk up to him. I need his arms around me. So I walked up to him. Toothless saw me coning and smiled. I love his gummy smile.

Than Hiccup noticed and turned around. Right as he did I gave him a kiss. A passionate kiss and he kissed me back. It deepened and I was just so happy. It's been a while since we kissed like this. I was on top of him and it was fantastic. After 5 minutes I couldn't breath. I pulled away and smiled.

"What was that for? An how'd you find me?"

"Well that was for being my boyfriend and loving me. And you know it's not hard to find my baby."

"Of really? Let me guess you heard my conversation?"

"Uhm... I heard a few things...."


"I heard you ask Toothless what to do....and something about keeping "her" safe and some way of something."

"Oh really? so your snooping around me."

I just hugged him and said

"Noooo, not me!"

"Haha very funny. Did you hear anything else?"

"No. I swear on Odin the all father."

"Ok good."

He laid back and I laid my head on his chest. I don't know what he was thinking. I wish I did, cause if it's bad I'll kill him.... I just hope he knows what he is doing if it's stupid.

Stoick's POV.

It's 4 and I set up a new meeting with the chief of the Slauter tribe. I needed to speak with him about Hiccups plan. I believe my boy might be right but Drako needs to know this.

I got up to the mead hall where we met last. He seemed anxious for our meeting as I went in. I sat down and he asked

"So Stoick, what did you need to meet for?"

"Well Drako, my son came up with a plan to defeat Gregovich StrongHammer. To ensure us a victory."

Now you have my interest Stoick. What is this plan?"

"Well my son found an Island north of here. He befriended a dragon. A very large dragon that can destroy a forest in seconds."


"Well he wanted to move up the battle 2 weeks. If we get there soon and start setting up defenses, we could be more than ready for battle. And with a dragon that size on our side there, we will win."

"Hmm, sounds like a good plan. What if that dragon turns on us?"

"It won't! My son is it's friend!"

"Fine. We will go. If we do not take victory Stoick, than I will kill you before Gregovich Does."

I stood up. Nobody threatens me on my island.

"Are you threatening me Drako? Because as far as I'm concerned, you asked to be allies. If you are than I'll let you get destroyed and my tribe will win."

He just looked at me in horror. I'm glad, nobody threatens me on my own soil. I started to walk out and he spoke up.

"I'm sorry...."

"You best be Drako."

I left after that. Hiccup's plan will soon be in action. Now that I know we have a assured victory, I'll go see Gobber and celebrate!!

Hiccup's POV.

After it started to get dark, Astrid and I left home. We flew back and she came in. She cooked us dinner as I fed Toothless and Stormfly. It was a quiet night and it was nice.

I heard a knock on the door around 9. Astrid asked

"Expecting company?"

"Actually no. I should probly answer it though."

I got up to see my dad. Um ok.

"Hey dad, what's up?"

"You plan Hiccup. Drako agreed. We will set off in a week."

"Oh. Uh well that's good news. Anything else?"

"No son that's all. Hi Miss Hofferson."

"Uh hey chief..."

After that he left. I guess this night just got a little better. Cause me and Astrid cuddled on the couch and talked. It was sweet. I was happy and so was she. As long as she is happy, than I know I'm doing something right. Next thing you know we fell asleep.....

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