Chapter 10

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Hiccup's POV.

It's been 4 days now that Astrid and I have been on this island. We have only discovered a small amount. It's early morning before the sun is up yet, and I have a bad feeling that something will go wrong today. Astrid is still asleep, as is Stormfly so Toothless and I left. We went just about 20 minutes away, and what I came across is just bloodcurdling. I saw a entire forest just ravaged. The wood on fire and smoke everywhere.

After I saw that, Toothless flew right back before Astrid could wake and see we were gone. As I got there she started to stir.

"Hey Hicc, why are you already dressed? It's just sunrise."

"Morning" I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Something wrong? You seem a little shaken up"

"Actually Astrid, do you remember the way home? From here?"

"Yeah why? Something happen? Is my baby home sick ;)?"

"No. You have to go......"

"What?! Why? What's wrong?"

"Just please. When I find out what it is, I'll follow and go back too."

"Wait Hiccup, what happened? What's wrong?"

"Remember the beautiful forest not far from here?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"It's gone....every last bit gone.... All in smoke and flames..."

"WHAT!!!! Hiccup how? What could have done so much damage in a night?"

"I don't know... But I'm going to find out."

Astrid looks scared. I can't blame her though. Something that does that much damage in a night, must be dangerous. That's why she has to leave and let me investigate.

Astrid's POV.

I can't believe what he just told me.... That forest was huge. Not even the explosion from a Zippleback could knock a tree from that forest down. Hiccup even expects me to leave him when he could get hurt.

"Hiccup, please let me stay. I want to help you...."

"Astrid, remember your promise. You promised you would leave me behind if there is any serious danger. This counts."

"But Hicc...." I was starting to cry. I don't want to lose him.

Just than he hugged me. I hugged him tighter an didn't want to let go. I was crying into his chest and he kissed my head.

"Astrid, I'll be ok. Please."

"No Hiccup!! I don't know that for sure!!! I can't lose you!!! Let me at lest come with you...."

Just than he pulled away and kissed my lips. It was calming. I kissed back and he stopped.

"Ok. This is the last time Astrid. I'll let you come with me to see.... But if 1 thing happens that is at all hurtful to you, you leave. No questions asked. You listen to me.."


There he goes again. Making me promise crap that isn't right. Just because I'm his girlfriend, doesn't mean he must protect me. I want to protect him too. It's not fair.

Once I promised, I went to get dressed and he backed out the cave so he doesn't see. When I was ready we ate something before we left to see. As we headed there, I could already see smoke. I never expected a forest of that size to be gone so quick. It's just unbelievable.

We flew around the forest area and it was just terrible. Just than I saw a small dragon hurt.

"Hiccup!!! Look there!!" I pointed in the direction of the small dragon.

"Ok!! Stay here, I'm going in."

He flew down, and grabbed the poor thing. He was coming back up when I saw something moving far out to the north. He came by and gave me the hatchling when I told him what I saw.

"Hicc, I think I saw something out that way" pointing to the north.

"Ok, take the hatchling back to the cave and get things ready to leave. I'll check it out."


Hiccup's POV.

Astrid was leaving back to the cave with a baby changewing. I went where she pointed and I was flying about. Out of nowhere I saw something. It was big... The Red Death was a little smaller than this thing. All I saw was a giant moving dragon. It was slow but it had deep shades of blues and blacks running all around its body.

Right when I saw it, it must have sensed me. I was flying fast with Toothless but I don't know what happened. Something hit us. We were going down and I was hurt. Toothless was roaring as loud as he could. The last words I said before everything went black was

"Astrid, I love you. And I'm sorry....."

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