Chapter 14

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Astrid's POV.

It's been a week since Hiccup has been out. I've never known him to be out so long after an injury. I've stayed by his side every day. I've slept by his side and never left. Toothless just sat there too. He was worried for him. Every day, twice a day Ruff would bring me something to eat, and Toothless.

Stoick would come in every morning and evening to check up on him. He would always look at me with worry in his eyes but never said a word. Gobber would come up three times a day to feed Hiccup this liquidy stuff with a tube. I thought it was gross, but Gobber said it will keep him alive while he is unconscious.

I hate seeing him like this. I haven't even rid Stormfly. I mean Stormfly gets why, I just feel bad about it. It's about noon. I think I might take a flight with her to get my mind a little clearer. It's tough seeing than man you love in this state. So I went downstairs and called

"Stormfly! Do you want a ride? I know it's been a few days.."


"Ok girl, let's go."

I got on Stormfly to fly out. We flew for about 10 minutes and she brought me to a place. My heart sunk. Why the cove of all places? I got down from her and sat by the water. I started to cry. Than Stormfly sat by me and put her head by my side.

"Thank you Stormfly. But I don't think this place is good for me right now."


After we sat there a little while I got back on Stormfly and left the cove. It's been an hour so I should get back to Hiccup. As I was walking in I heard a big bang in his room. I ran up to see....

Hiccup's POV.

I just woke up with pain where I got that gash. I didn't care though, it will heal....eventually. I started to sit up and all I see is my big baby of a dragon jump around.

"Toothless, what did I say about making messes!!!"

He didn't care, but all the noise was getting loud. Than I heard somebody run up the stairs. It was Astrid!!! Just than she ran to me and hugged me. I hugged back. She started to cry. So I did what all boyfriends should do and asked

"What's wrong Astrid? What happened?"

"Hiccup, you've been out for a week... I've missed you!"

"A WEEK!!!! WHAT!!"

"Yeah, I've sat by your side every day and night, just waiting for you to wake."


"Yes! But the 1 time I fly with Stormfly you wake. I wasn't here to see you open you eyes. I'm sorry..."

"Astrid it's ok. I'm just glad your here now."

She just hugged me a few minutes and I kissed her forehead. I was getting hungry so I asked

"Um can I go make something to eat?"

She just giggled and said

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you!"

"Well ok than. Um I don't know. Something, anything that's good."

"Well ok Mr. Hiccup, I'll start cooking."

She started to walk away and I called out

"Oh and Astrid, thank you."

She just smiled at me and went down stairs. So I got up, while Toothless helped me, and got dressed. I was about to put my Armor than looked to see where the hole was I got hit at. Yet I saw no hole. Not a scratch. So I yelled

"Hey Astrid?"

"Yeah what's wrong?"

"Why does my armor look brand new?"

"Gobber fixed it up for you a few days ago. He said something about you having a fit if it wasn't ready."

"A fit? Since when do I have fits?"

"Oh don't say that. You do get a little scary when you have them. Well to the others. I just think it's cute."

"Well than."

So I put my armor on and started walking down the stairs. I walked down to smell something great. I walked up to Astrid and hugged her from behind, than kissed her cheek.

"So does the food smell ok?"

"It smells great."

"Good it's almost done, got take a seat."

"Yes ma'am"

Astrid's POV.

He's finally awake!!! I'm soo glad. He's really hungry though. He's already eaten like two and a half fish. I mean we are Vikings but he was never much of an eater. But than again he has been out a week and ate disgusting liquid.

We finished eating so I put the dishes away to clean later. I wanted to show him off to everybody. Everyone in the village was worried. More for me and Stoick though. They didn't know if he would make it so they were prepared.

We got outside to everyone yelling out

"Stoick!! Your boy is alive!!!"

"Hiccup! Are you better lad?"

"Hey I knew those two love birds would be walking together."

Oh my gods... Why does everyone have to say that? I mean it's true but why out loud? Just than Stoick showed up on Thornado and ran to Hiccup.

"My boy!! Are you still hurt? What happened when you were there? Astrid doesn't even know!"

"That's true Hicc, I don't know what happened. You told me to go to the cave and next thing I know, you never came back."

Just than everybody was silent. They wanted to hear what got me. So he told the story and I couldn't believe what I heard.

"What!!! Another dragon!! Bigger than the Red Death?"

"Yes Astrid calm down.."


I got cut off by Stoick. He looked worried but asked.

"Where is this Dragon? He'll die for what he did to you."

"Now dad don't get hasty. This thing is bigger and stronger than The Red Death."

"I don't care Hiccup, it will die."

"No dad! This thing leveled a forest twice the size of the village in just a night. If it can do that much damage than I need more information about it."

I had to barge in

"What do you mean Hiccup?"

"I'm going back to that island. I'm going to study it a few days."

"Oh no you are not Mr. Your staying here with me."

"Actually Astrid, it's a good idea. Son find it's weakness. We will kill it than."

"See Astrid, dad agrees. So I'm going back soon."

I can't believe I just lost. But what Stoick says is what goes. I don't want him to go back. But if he does than I'm going with. I just can't lose him. I know I say that a lot, but it's true. I need him. More than he knows.. I just hope we have a couple weeks before we go back....

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