Chapter 7

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Hiccups POV.

Well, it's 5 in the morning and I have to get up to wake Astrid. She wanted to come along but I still have a bad feeling. This is the first time we've gone on a journey together. Plus it's an island almost 5 times bigger than Berk.

I got dressed and walked outside to have Toothless grinning at me.

"Hey bud, we have a lot of flying to do today"


"Yeah I'm heading to Astrid's. Wanna come?"


"Than let's go!!"

Toothless and I walked to her house. I saw Stormfly laying in her stables, so I told Toothless to go say hi. As he left I went inside. Astrid was still laying in bed so I laid down next to her. Than I started to whisper to her.

"Hey Astrid, babe?"


"Come on Astrid, wake up, we need to go soon."

"Huh wha?"

She opened her eyes slowly an looked at me with a smile.

Astrid's POV.

I woke up to some whispering. Than when I opened my eyes I saw Hiccup staring at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Morning Hicc. What are you here for?"

"Well actually we are supposed to leave in about an hour..."

"WHAT!!! I completely forgot about that!!! I'm sooo sorry!!"

Hiccup started to laugh.

"It's ok Astrid, we have an hour. I'll go downstairs to feed Toothless and Stormfly, than we will go eat."

"Ok...thanks Hicc."

Hiccup left downstairs and I ran to get dressed. I wore my usual leather spike skirt, with a nice wool brown shirt and my warm cute fur coat. I went downstairs with all my bags, and saw Hiccup frying bacon. Man my boyfriend really knows me :)

"Oh hey Astrid, I made some bacon and eggs."

"I see that, you know me too well!"

"Haha I try, only for you though."

After we ate, we got our bags and put them on Stormfly and Toothless. We headed for the docs and this time I'm not here to say good bye to Hiccup. We are doing this together. That have me chills!! I've waited to be alone with him like this for EVER!!! Just than everyone called out saying

"Bye you two love birds!!"

"Have fun"

"Be careful on your journey son, and keep Astrid safe" Stoick yelled out.

I still can't believe Stoick is glad about us!! Just than the team came by.

Ruff yelled "hey Astrid, don't have to much fun *wink*"

WHAT!!! Does she really think??? O.o

Tuff than started to laugh like crazy

Snotlout just said "don't get eaten!!"

Course he would act like that. He still isn't all that happy about me and Hiccup.

Than last but not least was Fishlegs talking to Hiccup.

"If you see any new dragons, write them down!! I want to know more about any new species!!!"

"No problem Fishlegs. I usually do that anyway."

After that, Hiccup, the dragons and I were on our way. A week alone with the love of my life!! I can't wait!!

Hiccup's POV.

We set off toward the new island. I haven't seen Astrid So happy in her life other than the day I asked her to be mine. I'm glad she is coming with to see how I work, but I've had a bad feeling about this island ever since I found it...

~few hours later~

It's around 2 now and Toothless and Stormfly are getting tired. We have been flying for almost 4 hours. I start looking around for a small island to rest an hour on for them. After I see one I yell

"Hey, Astrid, there's an Island down there. Let's give these 2 a rest for a hour or two."

"Yeah, good idea!! I need a rest too. My legs are falling asleep."

"Ok, let's go bud"

We set down on the sand and layer there by the shore. The dragons went to sleep so I figured I'd wake them later. We still have a 3 hour trip ahead of us.

Just than Astrid goes and lays down by me. I smile at her as she rests her head on me. It was cute.

Astrid's POV.

I knew Hiccup was tired so I went and rest my head on him while smiling. He looked so cute with his messy hair. Than I heard him start to hum. I listened to it and almost cried.. It was the song that I made him when we first started to hang out a lot and become close.

I looked at him and kissed him. As I did he deepened it and held my waist. I was soo happy and it was great. His soft lips on mine. After a few minutes a gave off a small moan and he seemed to hear it. I broke the kiss and he smiled. He than said

"Well that was unexpected"

"Well I love you, so get use to it!"

"Maybe I will." He said with his crooked grin.

Gosh he's soo cute. This day was great. I just can't wait too see this island. I wonder if it is dangerous?? Hmmm.......

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