Chapter 26

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Hiccup's POV.

We only have about four and a half weeks left till the war. I've got everybody training extra hard. They just don't know my plan. Nobody does yet. I don't plan on saying anything either until the night before battle.

I had woken up a little early with Astrid sleeping by my side. So we do to take up a lot of room, we all bunked up with a extra person. Astrid and I bunked up, and we sleep together. I got out of bed and got dressed. I enhanced my armor a little bit so it's lighter and more maneuverable.

As I was walking out I heard Astrid wake.

"Hiccup? Where are you going? Come back to bed."

"Astrid, I'm just going for a flight and to see Vulcan. I'll be fine. Just sleep."

"Fine, get back for breakfast though."

"Ok babe."

I went out and Toothless and I left. I found Vulcan not far from camp. He had been staying close to us. Every day I would go see him and have fun. He was a big baby when you get to know him. Not everybody liked him though. They were afraid of his size. I wasn't though. He was perfect.

By the time I got back it was 8. I smelled cooking in the house, and walked in. Astrid was cooking and set the table. I walked up behind her and kissed her cheek. Than I said


"Morning to you too"

"So how was your sleep Astrid?"

"It was ok. I wish you would stay in bed longer though. When you wake it's hard to go back to sleep. *yawn*"

"Sorry, I just like to make sure Vulcan knows we are friends."

"I'm sure he knows Hiccup. You see him every single day since we got here."

"I know..."

We ate breakfast and Astrid got dressed. She looked beautiful. She even kept her hair down. I do to tell her this enough but I told her

"Astrid, you look beautiful."

"Oh...thanks Hicc."

I gave her a kiss and we headed out. I saw both our tribes helping one another making catapults and defenses. It was amazing how they intermixed so well. Than I saw the person I can't stand most come close..Lankton.

He said

"Good morning my beautiful Astrid. And uh you to twig.."

"Excuse me?"

Than Astrid but in

"I am not yours! Now get that thought out of that thick skull! Second, just keep disrespecting Hiccup. I'll beat you myself!!!"

"Awe, aren't you adorable." Lankton said.

Man I'm going to kill that guy. I swear he can't be a good guy. Just than his Father came up.

"Well hello Hiccup and Astrid. How are ye this fine morning?"

I glared at Lankton but said

"We are fine Drako. Thank you for asking."

After that we left. Lankton gave us a glare but I don't care. He is what people call a jerk...or ass.....or a lot of things actually. It's ok though. I'll get him sometime.....

Lankton's POV.

Well than, Astrid obviously doesn't know she is mine yet. But she soon will be. In a few weeks I'll make sure that scum Hiccup is out of the picture. Maybe for good. I'll just wait out my plan and when battle rages, he will be to angry or depressed to pay much attention. He will die......

Astrid's POV.

I can't believe the nerve of that guy calling me his? Everybody knows I'm Hiccups. If he thinks he can have me than he's wrong. I'd rather get eaten by Vulcan.

After that whole thing with him being rude, me and Hiccup got the team together to get training in. It was about 9 when everybody got here. The only reason it was 9 is because Fishlegs actually got a girlfriend!!!

Her name is Ashly, and she isn't that bad looking for him. They hit it off. But when everybody got here, we started different ariel combat. It was going great. I took out every target and Hiccup yelled

"That's my girl!!"

I was so happy with that!! I flew down and kissed him. Than the twins surprisingly got all but 1. They really have grown since we first started. Snotlout got all he could but got the lowest score. -.- and meatlug and Fishlegs got it perfect to.

Training went well. We stopped at 4 and Hiccup spoke

"Alright, everyone. You all did quite well. Even you Snotlout. Now we will have training everyday for the next 3 weeks. The week before war you get off to get what you need. Got that?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good now go do what you want. It's going to get dark soon."

After that they all left and did whatever they do. I'm sure Fishlegs went to Ashly. So when me and Hiccup were alone he told me to go with him somewhere. So I did.

He took me to a beautiful waterfall. Than I saw a small cave and he spoke.

"When I left to find Vulcan that day. I found this place. First thing I thought was I wish Astrid was here to see this place."

"Hiccup. It's breath taking."

I hugged him and he held me in his arms. I was happy. Nothing could ruin this day. We ended up fishing for our food, and we ate there. Than we slept there. It was soo peaceful and beautiful. I would live here forever with him. I don't ever want to leave.

~next day~

We woke up at 8 and we hurried to eat. We had only an hour to get back to the others for training. Last night was perfect. We go on our dragons and flew off in a hurry. When we got to training we were a little late...oops...

Ruffnut had to say something about it to..

"So your late. What did you do last night? Something i don't know... Bad?"

"WHAT?!?! Ruff not at all!!! We ate talked and slept. That's it!!! We will not until we are married!!! Do you see a ring yet?? NO!! So just shut up!"

She just looked at me and smiled... I mean really? I'm not that type of girl. I mean I've thought about it but he's a gentlemen. He wouldn't unless we are married. He's just too good of a guy to me. I'm glad he is.

We started training and it was fun. I was always paired up with Hiccup. All I could think about though is the war coming. What will I do if that
nightmare comes true.....

-Authors note-

This chapter ok? I mean it's a chapter. Just let me know. Oh and there will probably be a sequel to this. Just letting y'all know.


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