Chapter 13

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Astrid's POV.

After Hicc ate we got back on our dragons and left. Hiccup passed out again on the rest of the flight home. I was worried. He shouldn't be this bad from a wound like that. As we got back I flew straight to the Great Hall where I know Stoick will be.

I crashed through the doors and yelled

"STOICK!!! Hiccup's hurt pretty bad. We need you NOW!!!"

"WHAT!!! What happened??"

We ran outside to Hiccup on Toothless unconscious.

"Astrid!! What Happened to my boy?"

"Stoick, I really don't know... Stormfly and I found him bleeding and unconscious... We tried to do what we could but he has been passing out every so often...I'm sorry.."

"Astrid it's ok. Gobber, get Hiccup to his house in bed. Snotlout, go get Gothi. Your cousins, life may be indanger."

After Gobber brought Hiccup to his house I was there with them. I would never leave Hiccup's side. He needs me, and I need him.

Just than Gothi came up with Stoick. She went to Hiccups side where the cut was. She looked at me an whispered to Stoick. Just than Stoick said

"Gothi said you actions, may have saved him Astrid. But it will be a long while before he wakes."

I'm crying now and asked

"What do you mean Stoick? How long?"

"That can only be known with time Astrid. I'm sorry."

Just than Gobber left. He looked worried. I didn't doubt he was because Gobber was like a second father to Hicc.

Stoicks POV.

When Gothi told me that Astrid possibly saved his life I was happy. Until she said she doesn't know when he will wake. I don't need this again. I lost his mother. Not my son now.

I left out of his house as Astrid stayed by his side. At least he has a women to love him. I found Thornado and we set off to do more chiefly matters. Today I am supposed to have a meeting with a chief in the west. His People are very unpredictable.

It's now 5 and I headed toward the mead hall where the chief was staying. When I got there, he looked broad and looked like a man I'd get along with.

"Hello! And welcome to the Hooligan Tribe. I'm Stoick the Vast. And you are?"

"I'm Drako. Chief of the Slauters Tribe. I've come to ask a favor."

"And what is that favor Drako?"

"To lend us your arms in a war soon to come."

"What type of war?"

"The kind of war that would kill my people. A war where the enemy is stronger than a dragon. But seeing as though you have dragons, your the right choice of Allies"

"What is this enemies name? He surely can't be this powerful."

"Gregovich StrongHammer."


"Yes, now you see why I need Allies. He has come to take my tribe and yours soon enough."

"I thought he had died years ago. When I first encountered him, he was a bloodthirsty monster of a Viking. We had men take him out. How did he live!!!"

"I don't know Stoick the Vast but he will come here. We have time, but not much. I must go now. Can I count you as my friend?"

"Of course Drako. I'll help your people."

Just than he left. What is with this day!!! My son hurt, and unconscious, and now a war is brewing. A war with a monster.

Astrid's POV.

It's been about 4 hours since Stoick was here. I'm surprised he isn't with Hiccup. But than again he is chief, he needs to do his duties. I've been here with Hiccup the whole time. I've been wiping his face and making sure he seems ok. than I whisper

"Please Hiccup... I need you. Come back to me.. I love you.."

After I said that I heard a small bang down the stairs. I look an see the team just looking at me. I went back by Hiccups side and Ruff comes next to me.

"Astrid. He will be ok. Don't worry. He always gets into trouble and lives. It's ok."

I'm wiping away my tears and say

"Thank you Ruffnut. I'm just lost without him."

"Oh come on, Hiccup will be fine. He's probly faking it." Snotlout said rudely.

I lost it after what he said. I punched him in the nose. Probly broke it, and kicked him down the stairs.

"Ooww Astrid!!! What was that for!!!"

I was crying

"That's for being an ungrateful ass to Hiccup.. He's saved your life many times, yet you still hate him? Why!!!! He's your cousin. You should care for him!! JUST LEAVE!"



Just than he left. I fell to my knees and cryed. I just broke down. I didn't know what to do. I'm lost. I need Hiccup.....

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