Chapter 21

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Hiccups POV.

We had finally got home. That was a long 7 hour trip. I mean Fishlegs wouldn't shut up about Vulcan. Yeah he was huge but he was nice!! It was 7 in the evening. So kinda late and I was starving. I sent everyone home but Astrid stayed with me. Just than I heard my name get called

"Hiccup! My boy, I need to talk to you. It's of chief matters."

"Uh...ok dad. Where do you want to talk? I mean I'm starving so why not at my place?"

"That's fine Hiccup. Let's go."

Just than we all walked to my place. We got in and Astrid asked

"Do you guy want something to eat? I'll cook for us all."

"Yes Astrid please. I'm starving. Thanks babe."

She kissed my cheek and went off to the kitchen. She could hear anything we say so it was ok with me. Than dad started

"Now, uh Hiccup. We have a problem.."

"What kind of problem?"

"Uh...a war is brewing. A tribe chieftain came to me in asking for aid a while back. The war may soon be upon us son."

"Uh ok. It shouldn't be to hard since we have dragons. I mean this guy can't think he's so great. I'm sure he's nothing."

"Uh son. Remember those bed Tim stories I once told you. Of that brutal murderer?"

"Yeah why? What could this possibly have to do with the war?"

"Son, because that murderer is the man declaring war upon the tribe and us.."

"WHAT!!! You mean Gregovich StrongHammer??? I thought he was just to scare me!!!"

"Well done you should be scared. I've only best him once. That was when we were young, stupid Vikings."

"So wait, you knew him? How did he become so ruthless?"

Astrid just came in with dinner and sat down. She gave me and dad some and she just looked at us worriedly. I grabbed her hand to reassure her but I knew her better.

"Well son, he lost his family. From a dragon. A dragon unlike others. It's not much bigger than Toothless but it has barbed hairlike tentacles. It can't fly but if a barb hits you, your paralyzed and soon dead."

"What? How can that be? I've never heard of such a dragon. And I've gone to like EVERY ISLAND!"

"That's because son, it's home to an island far north. Where Gregovich StrongHammer is coming from. The other chief heard he caught 1, and is going to use it in battle."

"So what is this thing called?"

"Slitting striders..."

"Sounds......dangerous, but nothing I can't handle."

"Well that's all I needed to tell you son... War is upon us. We do t have to much time. With what we heard, we have 2 months. If that.."

"Alright dad, thank you..."

"Thank you Astrid for the dinner"

"No problem sir."

Than he just left.....

Astrid's POV.

I can't believe that this guy has a dragon!! That can kill be touching you! Watch though, my knuckle head boyfriend might try to help it. I can't let him try when the time comes. He might die.

"Hiccup, promise me something.."

"What's is it?"

"Promise me you won't try to help that dragon when the war is here. Please..."

"Astrid, I can't. It's a dragon that needs help."

"But I'm your girlfriend. I need you more!"

" ok. Fine. But only if it can't be helped..."

"No, not at ALL! Your just going to take it out. Even if it hurts you inside. I'm sorry but you need to promise this."

"Fine.....I promise...."


After that I laid my head on his shoulder as we cuddled on his couch. It was nice. We finally are alone together. But I can't let him go against that murderer either. At least not by himself. He is going to stay safe with me by his side.

We may not be married yet, but I'm still going to protect him like my husband.

~few hours later~

It's gotten late now. Me and Hiccup ended falling asleep on his couch. I didn't care though. I got up and told him

"I'm going home for the night babe. We need some rest after all that's happened. Night. I love you."

"Ok night Astrid. Love you too."

I smiled and walked out. I got on Stormfly who's been sitting here for a while and we flew home. I got in my pajamas and went to bed. As I was sleeping I had an awful dream. I woke up screaming


-authors note-

Sorry if this is a short update. I'm going to update again later like I normally do. I try to update at least twice a day. But thanks for you readers out there.

What do you think was the dream about?
Well you will find out LATEE!!!

So bye


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