Chapter 25

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Astrid's POV.

I woke up this morning thinking about that nightmare again. Then I thought I need to pack. It was a calm morning. I fed Stormfly and ate myself. I had started to walk out of my house and saw Hiccup running. So I said

"Hey, what's up!?"

"Hey, sorry Astrid, I can't really hang out today. Dad is having me run all around getting things ready."

"Oh..that's ok. I'll see you later?"

"Of course."

He gave me a kiss and ran off. So I got on Stormfly and went to train with my axe. It's been a while but I'm still great. I threw it at a tree, and a perfect hit. I did it again and again till it was noon.

I started to get tired so I left to the cove. I caught fish and I ate with Stormfly. A calm day. I just wish Hiccup could spend it with me. I get really bored now if I'm not with him. Maybe I should go and see if he needs help!!!

I went to the village and saw Hiccup at the forge. He was with Gobber and was sharpening weapons. Of course he was in the forge. I went in and said

"Hey Hicc, I'm need any help?"

"Huh? Oh actually not really Astrid, sorry."

"Oh....ok um I'll just go than.."

"You know what? How about I teach you how to sharpen weapons?"

"Yes! I mean uh yeah cool."

He started off by handing me 1 of his forge apprens. I got right in front of the sharpening stone and he went behind me. He put his hands on mine and showed me how to sharpen a blade.

He went to finish making some new weapon and left me alone sharpening a sword. I was doing it!!! I really am doing this!! When I finished I yelled

"YESSS!!!! Hicc, look!!! I did it!!"

"Haha yeah I see that. It looks beautiful. Just like the girl holding it."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really! I mean you fit in the forge area. A hot girl in a hot place."

I giggled at that! He was sooo adorable! I can't believe he just said I was hot! I kissed him and he fell back a bit.


"Oh no! What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's ok. You just made me bump into the iron that's cooling."

"Oh my gods!! Hiccup I'm soo sorry!"

"Astrid it's ok! I've been burnt plenty of times in here."

"Ok....what was that weapon you were making earlier? You left me to make it."

"Yeah. That's the same weapon I hit. It's a weapon for you."

"Really? What is it??"

"It's a new Grunckle iron awe. With a extra attachment.."

"What!!!! Hiccup, that's amazing!!"

Sure enough, when it finished cooling off I checked it out. I lit it on fire like his sword does. It was lighter and smoother than my old axe. I loved it. Than I felt something on the end of the handle. A button. Hmmm....

Hiccup's POV.

Astrid loved the new axe I gave her. She already lit it on fire and was feeling it. I'm guessing she liked it's weight. It's a lighter metal than most. I saw her smiling at me. I smiled back and said

"Ok, how do you like it?"

"I love it Hiccup!!!"

"Isn't the handle a bit long though?"

"Haha no just wait."

Just than she gave me a hug. I hugged her back and it was funny watching her light it on fire than put it out. She looked like a little kid on snoggletog. Than she found the extra attachment I put on it. She found the button.

She pressed it and a section of the handle came off. That handle piece was a handle for the secret dagger. She just looked at me in awe. I smiled and started to get back to sharpening weapons. Just than I got a kiss on my cheek. She said

"Hiccup, I love you. Always remember that."

"I love you too Astrid."

Just than she went back to sharpening a new weapon. She really got the hang of it. Mage seemed thrilled every time she finished 1 to. She jump up and say

"Hiccup look!!! I got it again!"

Every time she said it, I would smile. She looked adorable. And she was having fun doing hard work. That's the best part. I mean I love working the forge but she liked it even more. Than Gibber came over and Whispered

"Ye know 'iccup, ye got yourself a pretty great gal."

"I know Gobber, thanks."

I smiled and got back to it again. I was in my environment and in my own world. It was perfect...

Lankton's POV.

I has seen Hiccup and that girl Astrid in the forge. I still don't know what she sees in that guy. He's a wimp. He couldn't hurt a fly. So after I saw them together and being all "lovey dovey" I just needed to hurt him. I want her.

So I started to make up plans to get them apart and tell her I love her. But what I want most is to hurt that twerp more than anything. He doesn't deserve to be chief or to have anybody. I know his story. Sure he defeated the red death, but I'll defeat him.

He will perish and fall. I'll make sure he becomes full of hate. That's all he should have. Just than my dad came by.

"What do you want dad?"

"I wanted to know what you were up too. Are you packed for our journey in a couple days?"

"Well of course father. Why wouldn't I be? I mean I just got here so there's nothing to pack."

"You watch your tongue with me boy. I'm your father. I brought you into this world. And I will be fine with taking you out if it."

"Yes father....."

He left and as he did I just grinned. He thinks he is powerful. But I know things he does not. I also know that this war, will have the death of him. I'll make sure of that. And as I'm chief I'll make both tribes bow to me. If not, than I'll slaughter them all!!

Omniscient POV.

It has been 2 days and the ships were set to leave. Drako and his tribe have left to seas toward the magnificent island where Vulcan resides. Stoick had everyone on bored and they left with few people to stay behind. While all started to leave, Hiccup and the team flew off into the sky.

Hiccup was to lead the ships to the Island. After a few days journey, the ships set easily on the beaches. It had taken the Vikings days to get to the opposite side where war would start. Yet by the time they had gotten there, they had only 5 weeks to get ready.

The chiefs had chosen a high point. If the enemy wants to get to them they need to climb a cliff. They had the higher ground. Hiccup also had them meet their other ally. Vulcan......

What will happen now as they set the war zone? Will all be won or lost?

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