Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Will moved around in his bed. What was it with this girl? He wanted to know where she came from, for all he knew she might be his sister. Though no one in his family had sea-blue eyes, nor was anyone he knew called Green. But if something like that would have happened, he would have known. Elisabeth was certainly not his sister. Suddenly an audacious thought came to his mind. There must be something in her house connected to her past. Or Beau. He got up from his -again- wooden bed, with leaves woven together formed a mattress. It was stuffed, but he had no idea what was in it exactly. On his bare feet he sneaked to the "living room". He looked on every shelf, but found nothing. He moved towards her bedroom. Will was surprised that she was not in her bed. She had probably gone for a nightly swim. He looked into a kind of cupboard, finding some paintbrushes, a weird kind of fruit that she also put in his room in case he got hungry and...

'Uhum.' Just when he streched his hand to reach for the book in the back, Elisa cleared her troat. Will turned around, and saw her standing in the doorway. Which wasn't really a doorway as there was no door. She walked over to him and stood in front of the cupboard.

'How long have you been standing there?' He asked her, a bit worried. She bit her lip and looked at him. In her eyes, he sensed she was furious.

'Long enough.' He also sensed pain and sadness. Though she did try really hard to conceal it. 'Why, William? Why would you look trough my stuff?' He felt like a naughty little child. She sat down on her bed.

'I feel like I don't know anything about you. I was curious. I wasn't on to anything cruel or mean.' She stared at the large, white moon trough the window-without-glass, then turned her head and faced him again.

'You know enough about me.'

'No I do not. You just don't trust me.' She stood up, standing right in front of him.

'And I have a right to. Would you trust someone who was going trough all your cupboards at night?' She asked him. He moved closer, his nose almost touched hers.

'What is your problem? How can I get to know you when you won't open up? How can I protect you when I do not know what to protect you from? How can I empathize, when I have no idea who you are?' He spoke softly, but confident. She turned around.

'I, do not need your protection, I do not need your compassion and I do not want you to get to know me. Haven't you noticed? Why won't you just leave me alone?' He looked hurt and walked away. When she realized he was not going back to his room she ran after him. 'Will?' No one answered. She ran outside. 'Will? I didn't mean it like that!' She shouted. Everything stayed silent. 'Please, come back! It's dangerous out there!' Elisa yelled, with a bit of desperation in her voice. She had tried to hide it, but going out all alone in the dark was dangerous. Sure, there were no dinosaurs or lions, but you could get some very poisonous stings of various insects. And you wouldn't become spiderman. And if you had bad luck, you wouldn't become anything, except for a dead man.

He sat behind a big tree, staring at her worried face. It couldn't be that dangerous. What could she protect him from, that he could not kill himself? She came closer, looking around.

'Will?' He heard her ask. 'I know you're somewhere close. Would you please come back?' He held his breath as she was near the tree. 'Please, Will. You don't want to die on this island.' He lifted an eyebrow. Die? What from? She just didn't want to admit that she wanted his protection. 'Just come back, I didn't want you to leave.' She whispered as she knelt down beside him.

'You found me.' He whispered back. 'You said: leave me alone. Alright. If you won't talk to me, than that is fine. If you want me to leave you alone, I will. I might just as well live by myself than live with a self-pitying girl that ignores me and thinks she knows everything. You don't Elisa. I know just as much as you do and I'm way stronger, so stop acting like you're my mother.' Will whisperend angrily. He stood up with resenting eyes. Her beautiful seablue eyes stared back with courage. He suddenly wanted to kiss her. Will shook this thought away and ran into the jungle. She would have killed him if he wasn't her only company, and he nearly kissed her? She obviously hadn't noticed his desire for her, as her face had been fierce. He tripped over a trunk and fell down. Now he had a large wound on his leg from scratching against the bark. Perfect, like things were not bad enough already. He climbed in a tree, to a spot where branches prevented him from falling and e tried to sleep. He couldn't help but wonder, had he made the right choice?

Yes, he had. She might think that he was helping, and she might feel less lonely, but deep inside he knew she was better off without him.

He opened his eyes with a scream. He rubbed his thigh. 'Damn, what was that?'


Dedicated to bebechinadoll because "Notice Me" is my newest addiction.

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