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"Hey look, its Menma sama."

"Mito sama is with him too."

"Hello there Mito sama Menma sama."

"Have a nice day Mito sama. You too Menma sama."

At times, I wonder if am invisible. Just like the stars on the morning sky, outshined by the sun and invisible. Well obviously am nothing in presence of 'Mito sama' or 'Menma sama'.

Ever since I remember, it is always Mito and Menma. The villafe heroes, the 'sweet little angels' adored by everyone in the village.

Menma Namikaze, clan heir to Namikaze and the one who saved the village the day we were born and also my elder brother, by approximately half an hour. A born hero, they call him. I personally think that the credit should go to the third hokage who gave up his life for sealing the kyubi in my brother. All this hero worship only spoils him. But hey, who wants to listen to the anonymous blond kid who is not as important as the hero.

Then there is Mito Uzumaki, clan heir to Uzumaki and the wielder of the legendary chakra chains. Also my older sister by 15 minutes. People just adore her, probably because she and mom are the only two who could handle big brother if he ever lose control. She is like their saftey belt. Consequently she too lets the fame get to her head.

I can't blame them. I can imagine myself becoming just like them if I got the same attention.... Or maybe not. Its all human psychology I guess.

Now let me introduce myself, Naruto. Just Naruto. I really don't want to be part of a clan that would be led by spoilt brats.

Me and my siblings are currently five years old and... Yeah, I know, I am acting a little too mature for a five year old, but hey, somebody's have to the smart one around here. I have to be mature to take care of myself. What with my parents acting like they don't have a third child, I am surprised I still have a room in the house yet.

I even know how to cook. Nothing phenominal, just plain toast and eggs and some times rice and steamed vegetables (hunger can do wonders to food preferences). But it still a great deal for a five year old I guess. Mom always forgets to make food for me.

They ignore me, my siblings bully me and I don't have any friends Coz, I am not that important. I am not a hero like Menma and Mito, am not one of the children of prophecy, I don't have a dying bloodline or a demonic powerhouse in my gut. I am just not important enough for them.  

Before our fourth birthday, Menma was the only special one. Mito didn't have the bloodline and mom paid almost the same attention both of us and Mito and I had each other whenever mom and dad paid too much attention to Menma and we felt ignored, so it was not that bad.

I remember Mito always saying that she wanted to be special like Menma. And on our fourth birthday she got what she wanted.

Mito had a habit of pulling pranks on Menma, because she was the jealous type. And she always dragged me into it as well. But I sure as hell had no part in that prank. That day during the party when as usual Menma was getting the most attention, Mito played a prank on him.

A harmless prank involving some glue and feathers. But things got quickly out of control, when the kyubi chakra decided to come out and play.

Thats the day when Mito got her bloodline and the first time Menma lost control. Mom and dad were both shocked and over joyed, because their daughter got the Uzumaki bloodline.

Did you know who got punished for the prank that night? Why, me of course. Because, little princess had become too special to be punished.
That day onwards things between Mito and I got from good to bad and bad to worse. She blames me for all her pranks because thats all I am to them, their punching bag and scape goat. Lucky me, huh?
And our mother and father, are.... I don't even know what to say. Mother has to teach her little princess all her clan techniques since she is going to be her heir and Father had his heir to teach as well. I have lost all respect I have for them in a single year.

I do not hate them, not yet anyway.

Right now, my greatest dream is to be free. Free from this farce of a family and be someone I want to be.

Hello readers. So this os going to be a Naruto neglect fic. Naruto is going to be an assassin. And i have not decided on pairings yet. Since I don't plan to give much importance to romance anyway.
Tell me what you think about this okay.✌

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