Part 22

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Thought that I should put a warning for this chapter.

Warnings: Implied/referenced self-harm, suicidal thoughts, depression.

Why didn't Shukaku leave the first chance he got? 

That's a question to which even Shukaku doesn't know the answer to. After the unsealing and getting out of the rubble before Raza noticed them, Naruto had brought him straight to Yuki who was waiting with his chosen vessel.

He didn't wait any time in possessing it and he didn't wait any time in starting to acclimatize his yokai to the new body. Then he woke up and he was a she. Shukaku had always favored female vessels over male ones. It was always fun to watch the stupid mortals falling head over heels when she showcased her 'assets'. Not to mention that females always got underestimated, even if it was subconsciously, and oh the fun Shukaku could have with that! Kurama wasn't the only prankster in the family. 

After waking up and retriveing her yokai, and for once in a long time feeling right in a way that only her yokai could make her feel, she should have ended her acquaitance to the wielder with a 'Thanks' and a 'Bye'. But she didn't.

Because this wielder; Naruto, was special. Unique in a way that no other wielder was and all it took was one conversation to find out that.


"Well this is it, kid." Shukaku said with a sigh of relief. "Our deals over and done with. I have told you about the sword and you released me." And she smiles genuinely, surprising even her with how calm and content she feels.

Everything was set and ready. It was time to leave and terrorize someone else. Maybe go back to Makai and go on a vacation. 

Naruto smiled and nodded at her. "I suppose you'll be leaving now?"

Shukaku grinned, gleeful and excited like a child on an adventure, "Yeah."

Naruto grinned back and Shukaku found herself feeling a tinge of protective affection for the little one that set her free. The kid who manages to smile like that despite what clusterfuck his life is.

"Before I go..." Shukaku said curiously. "Can you show it to me?"

Naruto looked at her with adorably wide eyes and a confused, 'what?'

Shukaku rolled her eyes fondly, and let me tell you that terrified her because fondness from Shukaku was reserved only for her idiotic siblings, "The Sword, Naruto. As much as, I have heard tales of it, I really haven't got a good look at it yet."

Naruto froze like she had said something really unexpected and looked at her cautiously.

She rolled her eyes again, this time with less fondness and more exasperation. "Oh come on, kid. I am not going to do anything. I just want to see it."

Then Naruto's words shocked her to the core.

"As much as I'd like to indulge you, Shukaku, I don't have it, neither have I seen it. I am on the same boat as you on that one."

Shukaku stared, unable to help herself because either the kid was fucking with her or... except he really didn't look like he was fucking with her so... That's sufficiently terrifying.

"Kid-, Naruto, what are you saying? You have never seen it? That's impossible."

"Why?" Naruto asked with a tinge of resignation that showed that he knew that he wouldn't like whatever Shukaku was going to say but was too used to unwelcome surprises to be really surprised anymore.

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