The Monster in My Dreams

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"This is the only way."

Naruto looked at Shukaku for a long moment. It was just the two of them standing in front of the crumbled stone pavilion.

With a smile that was too weary to be seen on a child his age, Naruto bowed his head.

"I trust you."

Shukaku tried for a smile that was less pained but it didn't come. 


Without taking his eyes off of Shukaku Naruto nodded. Shukaku flicked her wrist, the bronze dagger carved with runes of the Divine language, embedded deep into the stone statue's heart.

The wind picked up dust and leaves and twirled in a chaotic dance. The ground behind Naruto fell apart as a portal of darkness opened up.

Naruto didn't look back but his hands trembled where he clutched at Shukaku, his eyes watered and he looked like a scared child.

Shukaku knelt and shushed him gently. 

A storm began with a strike of lightning.

"I'm scared."

Shukaku hugged him, one last time.

"It will be alright..." She keeps her tone warm even as she releases him from her hold. "The fear you feel now," she removed his hands that had clenched in her robes, "is only temporary." 

"NARUTO! No, don't!"

She turned her heart to stone and ignored the tears streaming down his face. "After all..." She used her robe to wipe away his tears. One last kiss on his forehead.

"This is where you belong."


And she pushed.

The last thing Naruto saw was an enraged Kurama tearing into Shukaku before he vanished along with the darkness and the storm.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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