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He didn't know how he ended up here but here was sitting in front of the Death God The fucking Death God drinking tea.

The Shinigami who was in their less terrifying form resembling that of a little boy with lively black eyes and healthy complexion seemed amused with his reaction.

Kyuubi thought again how he ended up here. Still for all the talk about being the God of death, looking at the Shinigami felt like looking at new life.

"That's because despite what some thinks Death is in a way birth of a new life, a new journey..."

Okay so Shinigami can read minds too.

"I am here to talk about the consequences of your actions Kyuubi."

Kyuubi swallowed. Consequences never meant a good thing.

The Shinigami smiled slightly, "You're not getting punished Kyuubi... I am simply here to explain the rules."

"Rules?" Kyuubi asked out loud even though it was unnecessary.

Shinigami nodded, "You have turned yourself into a human."

Kyuubi nodded.

"It's simple. Now that you are human you fall under my domain. You are not immortal, you are not a Biju or a demon. When you die you will be reaped like just any other human soul and your afterlife will be influenced by whatever actions you committed during your human life..."

Kyuubi swallowed heavily.

Was he ready for that? To give up all that he was? What did he have as a demon?
Power, immortality...
Hatred, imprisonment, madness...
But as a human?
He would be weak, mortal and
he would have family, freedom...

And despite the overwhelming fear that Kyuubi felt like this was the right choice.

The Shinigami nodded.

"You will not be the Kyuubi no Kitsune any longer. Even if you keep your name as Kyuubi it will hold no power. And when the chakra sealed within your jinchuuriki are released it will go back to Demon Realm and become part of the realm."

Kyuubi didn't look away from the Shinigami as he said all this.

True that everything was terrifying and new but Kyuubi definitely believed this to be the right choice.

The Shinigami gave him a moment more before nodding, "It's decided then. When you wake up you will be human; completely. Farewell till we meet again."

Kyuubi blinked and then he was gone.


When he woke up he was a little disoriented.

He felt wierd and awkward. His body was either too small or too long and it was generally hard to keep in control of it.

It was different from being inside a clone or a controlling Menma while he was asleep.

Having a human body of his own was wierd but he liked it. Except that his new body felt as weak and uncoordinated as a newborn fowl.

Kyuubi cursed, of course as old as this body looked it was technically a newborn. This body, his body, has no muscle memory of any sort and this was embarrassing to find himself sprawled on the ground like this.

The commotion must have caught someone's attention because Kyuubi heard the door open.

He looked forward to seeing the companions that he had claimed as family. It wouldn't mean as much as it did when he was a Biju but a claim was a claim and they were his.

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