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Nagin landed on the valley hidden by the Akuma mountain.

She gently placed her two passengers on the ground.

Naruto watched amazed as her form twisted and turned until she was in her usual puppy form.

Naruto frowned, "Nagin, are you alright?"

"Yeah..." Her eyes drooped, "jus' tired..." She finished with a yawn.

Kyuubi snorted, "of course you are tired. You are the idiot who insisted on not taking a break from that form. I figured that such large forms would take more out of you than your other forms. And you didn't even properly rest... But I do appreciate what you did. So thank you."

Nagin snorted but was too tired to respond otherwise. Naruto shook his head fondly and picked her up to cradle her against his chest.

She immediately fell asleep. Naruto smiled at her.

"Come on let's get to the town."

From the valley it was a two hour journey to the town.

Once they reached Tanzai Naruto let Kyuubi lead them to his friend.


The people were looking strangely at the 'twin' boys wandering around town. Many of them asked them where their parents were.

Kyuubi who didn't have any positive human interaction excluding Naruto froze when they asked something and almost unconsciously huddled upto Naruto. It was amusing how the strangers cooed over how adorable the ex-Demon lord was.

Kyuubi was offended.

Naruto managed to steer them out of of such situations expertly.

Kyuubi sighed when they finally reached their destination and escaped from disrespectful humans.

Naruto stared at the isolated small house at the far edge of the town. The house was near the town burial ground and it creeped Naruto out slightly. He hugged Nagin tightly for comfort.

Kyuubi confidently went up and knocked.

A moment later the door was opened by a kind looking woman outfitted like priestess.

"Why hello there... What are you young children doing here?"

Her dark eyes flickered from Kyuubi to Naruto to Nagin and again back to Naruto where it stayed.

Naruto squirmed uncomfortably when she licked her lips with a distinctly hungry look in her eyes. He almost took a step back but stayed his ground.

Kyuubi snorted, "Stop staring at the kid you hag."

The woman looked at Kyuubi enraged, "Who the hell are you to call- wait a minute... I know you! You are that asshole Spider demon aren't you?"

Kyuubi sighed, "No you stupid fool. I am not a spider demon."

The woman took a closer look and snorted, "I get it... You are some stupid demon that lost its power and let me guess, you want me restore it."

"No-" Kyuubi was cut off before he could explain.

"Well I am not gonna do it. I quit that business long ago. So despite the tempting offering," her black eyes flickered to Naruto,  "find someone else."

Kyuubi growled.

But the woman wasn't listening anymore. Instead she stepped outside the hut. In the sunlight she looked very beautiful. It only creeped Naruto out further.

The woman came and crouched in front of him looking him up and down. The hunger in her eyes pronounced dangerously.

"But... I think I'll make an exception for you," she wasn't addressing Naruto and Naruto saw Kyuubi's eyes narrowed dangerously at the woman's actions, "this one is special. I can smell it... Dear Yami! so delicious... I'll do it so be grateful..." She finally turned to address Kyuubi.

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