The Curse That Follows

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Namikaze-Uzumaki Household (A month after the triplets' tenth birthday)


Menma looks up and growls at his father, "I can't!"

Minato looks at Menma with such a disappointed frown that something inside Menma withers.

"Son, you have made no progress in the-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it right now. So just stop."

Minato is glaring at him now and Menma glares back.

Kushina who was suddenly there began scolding the boy, "Menma I know you are frustrated but that is not an attitude we expect from you!"

Menma scoffs, "Frustrated? You call this frustrated?"

Menma wants to scream and rant, he is tired of holding back, so he does just that, "It's been three years and I still can't go past two tails without going on a rampage! Nothing you say is helping me. This whole training you are putting me through is useless. I have been listening to you and working my very best ever since I can remember and the result is always a bloody failure. You have no idea how angry I am."


"No, don't you dare yell at me!"

Minato tries to intervene before this all goes too out of control, "Menma you need to calm down. Right now."

Menma turns his attention on to his father, "Or what?"

"I think Menma, that you need to get a better attitude..." Jiraiya comments idly from where he is watching.

The old hermit has visited on occasion to help the kage and wife in training their two children but as far as he can see everything was falling apart, including their family.

Jiraiya notices how Menma's face hardens when he hears Jiraiya's comment. There is a bitter look on the kid's face.

"A better attitude, huh? Or what you're going to disown me too?"

The comment takes both Minato and Kushina by surprise but not Jiraiya. Because Jiraiya knows that this has been coming since three years ago.

"Of course not," Kushina rushes to disagree and Menma just scoffs.

"I don't want to train anymore. We can continue this later," without listening to what his parents have to say Menma walks away.

Minato sighs at his son's attitude. Menma gets worse every year after Naruto had been disowned. 

Now three years after Naruto was disowned his family was falling apart.

"Minato, how are we supposed to deal with this?"

Minato looks at Kushina and sighs, "I honestly don't know..."

Looking to the side he sees Mito standing near the edge of the training field. She fidgets when he looks at her and runs after her brother.


Menma stops running when he thinks he is alone but he is surprised by a voice from behind him.

"Why are you angry?"

Menma looks at the girl standing behind the tree. Menma had run to the park after he left the training field. He wasn't in a mood to play and just wanted to be left alone so he had moved to a quieter abandoned part of the park.

Menma looks at the girl suspiciously, "Who are you?"

The girl fidgets nervously, "My name is Akumu."

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