An Eventful Day

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Hello friends, here I have a new chapter of Assassin's Legacy.

I am glad to inform you that I have found a beta.

Special Thanks to Shroudy1 for editing this chapter.

I know the chapter is a little short but that's all I have at the moment. I promise to try harder for the next chapter.

Hope you all enjoy this.


"I have food," Nagin offers showing him a bag of food.

Naruto nods, "Where did you get it from?"

He slowly looks through the delicious smelling bag of food. There was enough food for three people in the bag, it was too much. But Naruto had no idea how much Nagin ate so maybe it was just enough.

"I bought it from the Kai's," Nagin, still a male sat down and both of them began eating. During the time they ate, Naruto looked over Nagin's latest looks.

She looked like a man a little older than Minato and was about six feet tall with a lean but muscular build. Her hair was short and jet black with few strands falling onto her forehead. She also had olive green eyes and pale skin. All in all Nagin looked like a good-looking man.

"Where did you get the money from?" Naruto asked when he thought about Nagin buying the food.

She gave a half-hearted shrug, "Stole it."

Naruto narrowed his eyes and stopped eating, "Please tell me you stole it from some rich snob and not someone who needs it to feed them."

Nagin looked taken aback by the question and the attitude. But Naruto kept up his glare and she fidgeted and thought back to whom she had stolen the money from. She vaguely remembered that it was some woman from the jeweler's shop.

"It was some woman from the jeweler's shop," she fidgeted and in the form she was in, it looked kind of awkward, "I don't know her or anything but if she had money to be at the jewelers then it wouldn't be harmful to lose some."

Naruto looked at her for some time and then sighed and continued eating, "Stealing is all right, I have done it too. But only steal from those who have more than enough and even then take only what you need."

Nagin looked at him with narrowed eyes and she, in this form, looked dangerous with that particular look.

"Where did you steal from?"

Naruto shrugged uncomfortably not because of the fact that he had stolen things but because the image of the man with narrowed eyes made him uncomfortable, "I steal from Minato all the time. I mainly buy candy with it."

"Are you uncomfortable talking about it?" Nagin asks eyeing Naruto.

"It's not that... Can you change into some other form?"

Nagin looks confused and then nods before changing into her female form and continue eating.

"So you don't like Kaze?"

Naruto looks up with confusion, "Who?"

"Kaze, the form that I was in earlier"

Naruto nods slowly. Nagin shrugs, "Don't worry most people find him intimidating at times... other than the girls who dig 'tall, dark and handsome'."

They finish eating and Naruto looks at Nagin curiously, "So you can change into anything at will?"

"It doesn't work like that." She sighs, "I can change into any animal form at will and all I need is to get one good look at them before changing. It's different for human forms. If we wish to take the form of a human or any other 'intelligent species', we need permission from them."

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