The Cursed Child

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Naruto entered the dining hall to find his family enjoying dinner with the sannin.

They all paused when they saw Naruto.

"Naruto, where have you been?"

"I was playing," Naruto shrugged and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Jiraiya by now expected the behaviour. From the descriptions provided by Minato and Kushina, Naruto these days didn't care to even talk to them.

"Aren't you joining us for dinner?" Jiraiya was the one who asked that.

Everyone else looked at him strangely. Jiraiya wondered what he said that was so strange. Naruto's lips twitched into an amused smile.

"Already had dinner, Jiraiya-sama. Thank you for asking."

Jiraiya frowned, Kushina and Minato didn't seem to care though but he asked curiously, "From where?"

Naruto tilted his head to the side, "Me and a friend went fishing. And we grilled the fish and ate it. It was fun."

Menma sneered, "As if you have friends loser! You're probably lying to get us jealous."

"Oops, you caught me. So did it work?" Naruto asked sarcastically.

"Naruto," Kushina said sternly, "go to your room."

Naruto who was actually planning on going to his room stopped and instead sat down in one of the chairs at the table.

"Naruto listen to your mother," Minato said.

Naruto looked up with wide eyes, "But I suddenly feel hungry. Menma already said that I was lying. So that means I actually didn't eat anything. And that means I am hungry. So I need to eat. Which means I can't go to my room yet..."

Jiraiya smirked at the kid.

Kushina growled angrily, "there is no food for you!"

Naruto faked a gasp, "But then I will be hungry! And there is food, see."

He said looking at the table.

Kushina's eyebrow twitched dangerously, "I only made food for us. Now stop being a nuisance and go to your room."

Naruto's eyes widened and filled with tears and his lips wobbled into looking like a kicked puppy, "what kind of mother are you? Not making food for her youngest kid and letting him go hungry..."

Kushina reared back as if struck and jiraiya's eyes narrowed.

"Naruto, she was just joking, here have some food."
Jiraiya said and served him. Kushina looked away.

Minato was also looking at anywhere but Naruto and that was probably why they didn't see the smirk that appeared on Naruto's face.

Mito growled at her brother, "Baka why did you make mom sad?"

Naruto didn't even look at her as he said, "she can make me go hungry but I can't say a joke without touching her delicate ego?"

"Loser you-"

"Menma, remember our last birthday? They say some curses are recurring..."

That was a completely unrelated sentence but Jiraiya recognised that it was a warning and from the way both Mito and Menma paled and shut up quickly, it was a very effective warning as well.

They both remembered the string of 'bad luck' that occurred to the both of them during their last birthday. Naruto said it was because they broke the mirror and that was bad luck (it was Naruto that got punished for it though, as usual), they both knew their little brother was responsible for the chaos that followed but there was no proof, as usual.

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