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Naruto opened his eyes silently. He remembered the fight with the strangers and he knew that he had been taken but where was he?

He tried looking around subtly and found out that he was alone. Naruto didn't relax.

It looked like he was in a prison cell. He sat up slowly. He was alone in the small cell. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to take stock of his injuries. Thankfully he was just a little sore. Probably because his bloodline had taken care of most injuries.

He stood up and moved towards the door. Hesitating for a moment he made a shadow clone. As soon as the clone touched the door it burst into smoke with a spark of electricity. 

Naruto winced.

With a sigh Naruto took a step back and thought about what to do. The door obviously had a defense system, the question was whether it was based on chakra or physical impact.

Naruto made another clone and moved to the corner farthest from the door for safety reasons. The clone looked at Naruto and at Naruto's nod, began going through hand seals.

Naruto didn't know a whole lot of Jutsu only the few that Kurama had taught him from what he had seen when inside his jinchuuriki and even that wasn't much since he couldn't really see unless the jinchuuriki was using his chakra and a biju-fied jinchuuriki never went for Jutsu.

The clone's hands stopped at the tiger seal and a single blade of wind flew out of its palm and slashed at the door. The clone popped immediately because it expended all of its chakra and unfortunately when the wind blade touched the door it dissipated harmlessly. So the defense was a chakra based one, now if only Naruto could find the seal.

"Giving up already?" 

Naruto jumped around startled to see a man in the cell with him. Naruto was pretty sure that there wasn't anybody with him before and by the hooded jacked and concealing clothing the man was one of his captors.

"What do you want with me?" Naruto asked.

He saw the man smile and Naruto wondered if he would ever be able to identify the man if he met him outside based on the jaw shape and smile alone. Probably not.

The man tilted his head to look at the door and said, "You'll find out soon."

The door opened at the moment.

Two more of the assassin's entered the room and between them, was an old man who was vaguely familiar. Naruto frowned trying to remember.

"Hello, Naruto Hayashi."

Naruto thought that he sounded like the villains from those Princess Gale movies that Nagin had got addicted to recently.

"Do I know you?" Naruto asked brusquely.

"I am disappointed you don't remember me but I can't blame you since we never really got to properly meet," the man walked closer to Naruto and Naruto stepped back instinctively, only to be stopped by the hooded man that was behind him. The hooded man's hand came down on Naruto's shoulder and held him with strength.

The old man bends down to look at Naruto closely like he was an interesting specimen.

"Hmm..." the man hummed, "You don't look like much but your records are impressive. To have finished doctor training in three years and while you're just a child... Impressive Naruto."

'So this probably doesn't have anything to do with the sword or curse... I hope,' Naruto thought.

"I would like to make this clear Naruto," the old man straightened, "if you answer my questions correctly, you're free to go."

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