Slowly Burning Down

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"Hey, Nagin, wake up."

"Mmm five more minutes Naru..."

Naruto rolled his eyes at Nagin. Then he noticed that the bandages from earlier were all discarded. He was intruiged when he saw that all the wounds had healed.

Naruto heaved a sigh and went downstairs for something to eat, since he had slept for longer than he meant. His 'family' had probably went to sleep by now.

As he approached downstairs he noticed that the lights were still on in the kitchen. He hesitated for a moment but then his hunger got the best of him and he had to think about Nagin too.

So despite his better judgement he went inside the kitchen. He saw his two siblings eating cake. Naruto tilted his head, was there some kind of function here? Why was there cake?

Menma was the first one who saw him. His eyes widened, then narrowed.
"What do you want loser?"
Mito looked back at him, startled.
Naruto rolled his eyes at his siblings and went towards the fridge, he got two apples out and thought about it for a minute, can Nagin eat apples?
Then he shrugged and turned around to leave, completely ignoring his siblings. Surprisingly, they didn't try to stop him or taunt him further. In hindsight, he should've expected something to be wrong.

Naruto was startled out of bed by the demonic yell and furious knocking at his door. Startled and frightened Naruto was unsure on whether or not to open the door.
"Open this door right this instant"

Kushina sounded like the devil reincarnated as she yelled.

In the blink of an eye, Nagin who was asleep had turned into a wolf the size of a large horse and growling at the door, standing protectively infront of Naruto.

"Naru, who the hell is that?"

"My.. My... mom"

"Oh!" Nagin was surprised and she changed into a much smaller puppy dog and looked at the door, behind which, Kushina was still screaming at Naruto to open the door. But now Minato had joined, though much more calmly yet angrily asking him to open the door.

"Does your mom always try to kill you if you wake up late or something?"

"No.. I don't know. I think I should open the door though I am scared out of my wits."

As he moved to open the door, Nagin looked at him worried.

"You should hide you know. And don't be seen."

Naruto quickly grabbed Nagin and placed her inside the closet and locked the door. Telling Nagin to be quiet, he steeled his breath and opened his door.

As soon the lock was opened Kushina slammed it open and Naruto was thrown backward and fell on his butt. Kushina stormed into the room and grabbed Naruto by his hair and slapped him, hard.

Little Naruto sat on the floor, eyes wide and cradling his rapidly swelling cheek and blood flowing out of his split lips. Pain hit him hard and he yelped, tears flowing endlessly.

"How dare you? I made that cake especially for your brother and sister."

Naruto couldn't speak not through the pain and even if he could Kushina wasn't willing to listen.
Minato watched his wife trample his youngest child with a disappointed look. Disappointed at him, at Naruto, not at his wife who was mercilessly scolding a bleeding child, their child, without even listening to what he has to say.

Naruto could guess what had happened, it happened all the time. His siblings blamed him for something, probably the cake he saw them eating yesterday and his parents believed them without a care. But his mother had never been so cruel, and his father had never been so uncaring.

Inside the closet, Nagin was too stunned to speak. That bitch is his mother?!

"For this, you are grounded for a month and you are not coming out of this room unless I say so." Kushina growled out and left, leaving an emotionally broken child on the floor.

"I am so disappointed in you Naruto. You wasted all of your mother's effort, because of what, Your jealousy? How pathetic! If you continue this, I will revoke you from the Namikaze clan. Such shameful behaviour is not acceptable for any member of my clan." With that, his father too left.

He wasn't alone yet. They were still here. His two precious siblings. Both laughing at him. Mocking him. They had been doing that from the beginning, yet his patents found that as 'acceptable'?

They kept taunting him. Telling him how once they became clan heads, they would kick him out of the entire family.
Family? What family? He thought. Since when was I ever part of this family to be kicked out?

Once his siblings too left, Naruto curled in on himself. He didn't hear Nagin telling him to open the closet door, nor did he hear see anything. Everything was silent and muddled as he passed out.

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