Shukaku tells a tale

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The man pulled back his hood with a small smile to expose the distinguishing features of the Uchiha, the features of Itachi Uchiha to be exact.

Naruto was flabbergasted by the man.

"You..." What exactly was he supposed to say?

Itachi waited patiently for the boy to collects his thoughts. 

"You're supposed to be dead!"

Itachi just nods.

"And you're an assassin!"

Itachi nods again.

"Why the hell are you trying to kill me?"

Itachi cocks his eyebrow, "I am not trying to kill you."

Naruto scoffs sardonically. "Oh, that makes me feel better."

"Naruto." Itachi didn't make a move, threatening or otherwise, and Naruto didn't make a move either.

"Things are a lot more complicated than you know."

Naruto shifted his stance to a threatening one. "Really now?"

Itachi sighed, "I don't have much time but I'll try to explain it to you as best as I can."

Despite what he said, there was no sense of urgency in his tone or posture. Itachi continued aware of how much this was going to affect Naruto's life.

"You know about the Assassins?"

"The basics, yes." Naruto replied.

Itachi nodded. "Of course. Tsunade was correct about that." Naruto doesn't ask how Itachi knew that it was Tsunade that shared the information about the Assassins. Itachi watches the boy carefully and speaks.

"Our Master has declared a top priority mission to find Naruto Hayashi, previously known as Naruto Namikaze and all who are known associates of the target."

"Why?" Naruto asks in faux confusion that didn't manage to fool Itachi.

"All of us know about the Mark, Naruto."

Naruto chose not to acknowledge that and just stared ahead silently. Itachi sighed.

"Right now, the Assassins are split in to two known factions and both of them will do anything to get you."

Naruto is so tired of the anxiety he feels constantly only increasing with each bad news.

"They want to kill me..." He sighs.


Naruto looks at Itachi in surprise, confusion and then suspicion.

"I will elaborate at a later time. For now, know that you are not safe here. The second faction have too many spies in Suna and it will only be a matter of time before they find you."

Naruto looks at the man, his face a rictus of frustration.

"And what do you expect me to do? Where do you think I'd be safe, Itachi?"

"You'll be fine as long as you keep moving kid."

Naruto glares at the man. "And what happens when one of the 'factions' capture me?"

"Then the other faction will kill you." Itachi speaks like its common sense. Naruto barely manages a bewildered, 'huh'.

Itachi decides to take mercy on him. "Both factions want you as bad as they don't want you with the other faction."

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