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Naruto fidgeted under the three pairs of eyes looking at him fiercely. He could feel the beads of cold sweat rolling down his neck. He really should have thought twice, or thrice, before ditching Shizune.

As soon as he had come back to the hotel he had been swamped by the three worried women. It was just his luck that all the women in his life tended to get violent when they get worried. Tsunade with her strength, Shizune with her needles and Yuki's dark magic... Yup, he should've thought his plan through more thoroughly.

It took them a while for them to stop scolding him and now the silence was stretching uncomfortable. Deciding that he had avoided the terrifying sight long enough, he chanced a glance at the fuming women and promptly looked back down.

Nope! Were Yuki's teeth really that sharp?

"Alright!" Shizune said, "Where were you?"

"Uh..." Naruto stammered for a reply without setting them off again. 

"Answer us, Naruto," Yuki added smiling like an angel (with her sharp, sharp teeth and demonic eyes).

Naruto whimpered. Maybe this was Karma! (Somewhere in his cage, Shukaku cackled for no reason.)

"I went for... a walk?"

All three of them looked unimpressed at that. 

"Really?" Tsunade slammed a palm to her face, "That's the best you can come up with?"

Shizune shook her head, "I can't even imagine how you managed to lie to a daimyo with a straight face..."

They both were unaware of the demonic sight behind them, but Naruto wasn't. Yuki smiled darkly. Naruto cowered.

"Naruto please," Shizune said in a tired voice and whatever atmosphere existed before got heavy with distress, "we just want to help."

Naruto looked at her then. Met her black eyes with his blue and saw the exhaustion in there. This time he felt the regret creeping upon him. What was he doing? Dragging Shizune and Tsunade into the clusterfuck that was his life... Shukaku's words ran through his mind on a loop and he looked around the room. Kurama, Nagin, Yuki would be among the first, then Shizune and Tsunade, then maybe Aya until everyone he ever loved would be dead. He could almost see the blood flowing from their wounds and their lifeless eyes staring at him. They wouldn't ever blame him... And that was the worst, wasn't it? That they would forgive him, love him, even if he got them killed...


Naruto startled badly.

"You zoned out on us..." The comment was unnecessary but Naruto just nodded and looked at Shizune and Tsunade. 

They didn't even know what they were ricking by being close to him... And at that moment he decided to tell them the truth. They deserved to know what they had signed up for because whether they knew or not, he had already put them in danger by loving them.


The forset was dark and dreary around them. The winds rustling the leaves and the rattling sound of the branches echoed around them eerily accompanied by the chirping of insects and piercing cries of a bird high up in the branches. Even with all the sounds, the forest felt quiet.

Nozomi regretted accompanying Kurama into the forest even after he had told them it would be fine if they don't. On the other hand, the thought of the boy going in here alone worried him equally. Hikaru was awake but silent in his arms. 

"I don't like this place."

Nagin snorted from her place next to him. She was in the form of a large tiger, easily the size of a horse, ready to defend and attack at a moment's notice. The entire forest had an aura of a monster waiting to pounce.

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