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It's been two years since Jiraiya has set foot in the village of Konoha. The last time he came here was to tell Minato about Orochimaru's moves and after that, he had to go undercover to spy on his ex-teammate.

He wondered what all had changed in his presence.
He thought about his godchildren who would be seven in a few days. He hasn't seen them in two years.
He had already met Minato outside the village and handed over the gathered information discreetly, away from the spying eyes and ears of Danzo and his cronies.
It was only a matter of making a show of his arrival now. And feed the spies with something that their bosses can chew on happily.


Minato exclaimed as Jiraiya burst into his office with his usual dramatic flair. Minato looked surprised enough by Jiraiya's arrival that no one would have suspected the fact that they already met outside.

"When did you come back?"

Minato asked and activated the privacy seals knowing full well that those seals had been tampered with by Danzo. Everything they say inside the office would dutifully reach Danzo. Till this day Danzo hadn't figured out that his spying tactic was being used to manipulate him.

Jiraiya's took on a serious tone, "Orochimaru is planning to start a village."

Minato acted suitably surprised, "I see... what else did you find out?"

Jiraiya gave Minato a formal report that was 75% actual facts and 25% carefully calculated bullshit.
A while later they deactivated the privacy seal signalling the end of the report.

Jiraiya smirked, "So how are my wonderful godchildren doing?"

Minato's frown was wearier and much more frustrated than his usual frown. Jiraiya knew about Minato's trouble with his youngest. Jiraiya also knew the hand that he himself had played in the isolation of Naruto Namikaze within his own family.

"Is it Naruto again?" Jiraiya asked sympathetically. Two years ago, he used to hear Minato complain daily about his younger son's diabolic pranks and behaviour. He had hoped that the kid had changed during the years that he was away.

Minato sighed.

"I don't know what to do about him, sensei..."

"Is he still pulling pranks and causing general mayhem?"

"Yes... In a way..."

Jiraiya frowned at the vagueness.

Minato sighed again, "but we never get any proof of him doing it..."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow, "Then how do you know he's doing it?"

Minato looked wearily at his mentor, even the war didn't cause this much stress.


Both shinobi turned to face the secretary who entered the room along with a fuming merchant covered in garbage.

"It's a complaint about Naruto-kun again..." The old secretary said hiding a smile.

Minato gave Jiraiya a look that said, you watch this and you'll understand.

"Did he play a prank again?"
Minato asks as patiently as he could.

"That little brat! I know he did it. He somehow flooded my restaurant in sewer water and replaced all our food with garbage!!!"

Minato then remembered that the guy standing infront of him is the owner of one of the restaurants in Konoha.

"Are you sure he did it? Do you have any proof?"

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