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Tsunade waited until Shizune was asleep before stepping out of the room. Even though they were nowhere close to the Hidden Sand they still had to be careful. Tsunade was well aware of the disintegrating relations between Sand and Leaf. It would be best to avoid a conflict that could rock the tenous peace they had. She completed the required procedures by letting the Kazekage of the presence of her and her apprentice. She didn't mention Yuki or Naruto. 

She was on the way back to her room afterwards when she saw Yuki. The younger woman was sitting on the shade of the exotic trees decorating the front of the hotel they had chosen. Yuki nodded at her when she saw Tsunade.

Tsunade sighed. Yuki had a look on her face, one that Tsundae understood well. Yuki wanted answers and it was Tsunade's job to give them to her. Tsunade met Yuki's eyes with a frigid stare because Yuki wasn't the only one that needed answers.

Tsunade gestured Yuki to follow her to the room and Yuki obeyed. They were almost back at Tsunade's room when the scream ripped through the air.

It was a bloodcurdling sound that made both of them freeze before they recognized the voice that had screamed. 



There was a Sword in his hands.

Hands drenched in blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. 

Then pain.

And he screamed.


Shizune was there before them. There was a group employees crowded outside Yuki's room. The two of them pushed past them all without a word.

Shizune was holding down Naruto who was thrashing and screaming, his eyes were clenched shut showing that he wasn't awake.

"NARUTO!" Shizune screamed at the boy.

Tsunade pushed Shizuned back and cradled Naruto. Trying to hold him down without hurting the boy. Yuki was trying her best to wake him up but something was wrong.

Both of felt it. There was something not right.

Seeing as it wasn't working Tsunade tried a different tactic. She put her palm on his forehead and pushed at him with her chakra to wake him only then did she understand what exactly was wrong.

Yuki was frowning as she came to her own conclusion. Tsunade's momentary pause was forgotten and soon Naruto quieted down in her hands.

No longer screaming but still crying. Tears streamed out of his closed eyes and he whimpered like a hurt pup, trying to burrow into Tsunade's warmth. It tugged at strings that Tsunade thought she had severed long ago.

Swallowing thickly, Tsunade soothed the boy with soft words. Yuki didn't move from her side the whole time. Shizune came back after dismissing all the employees and used a cold towel to wipe away the sweat and tears from the child. 

Almost startling the Tsunade and Shizune, Yuki began humming. Tsunade didn't understand the song or even the language of the words she muttered in between the humming but the tune of it was soothing and calm. Naruto's whimpers became quiet and Tsunade reluctantly handed the boy to Yuki.

There was a sharp knock on the door.

Shizune and Yuki was confused but Tsunade wasn't. She had sensed the guest earlier but was busy soothing Naruto to pay it more mind than needed. She won't be able to put it off any longer.

Behind the door, the Kazekage and guards waited.


Gaara watched. 

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