The Familiar

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Naruto walked through the streets with his hands in his pockets. He was looking for something to eat. He wanted a slight change from the daily rice and vegetables. He had swiped a small amount of money from his fathers drawer. Its not his fault that they are so careless despite being a hokage and an s rank ninja.

As he walked around looking for a candy shop or a snack bar or something, he saw some kids surrounding something and kicking at it.

The ever curious Naruto, went towards the commotion despite knowing that he should probably stay away for his own sake.

There, a few kids were kicking around a poor baby kit. Naruto's eyes widened as he saw the poor thing get mercilessly attacked.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He yelled out.

The kids stopped and looked back at him.

"You want to join, kid?"one of the elder boys asked him.

"Join? Join!? What is this some kind of sports?! Attacking harmless animals just because you could? How could you all be so heartless?" Naruto asked.

"Heartless? Pfft we're just teaching this monster a lesson." One kid scoffed at him.

"Monster? Are you stupid? The only thing that little kit could do is may be yip at you and what? Annhialate you with his power of puppy eyes?" Naruto growled.

"Stay out of this, kid." One kid warned and stepped closer to him.

"Yeah go away fox-lover."

Naruto scoffed at the idiots. He had no time for idiots like them.
He moved forward decisively and pushed aside one of the kids and took the little fox into his arm and cradled it softly.

"What do you think you're doing?" One kid grabbed Naruto by his collor and tried to threaten him. The others quickly surrounded him.

"Let me go or else." Naruto warned.

"Or else what? You gonna go crying yo your mommy?" One kid taunted.
Naruto raised an eye brow, "Actually that's exactly what I am going to do. One scratch on me and my mom's gonna have all your heads. She's pretty vicious like that."

"Like your mommy could do anything to us."

"Well she does work at the torture and interrogation department." Naruto said grinning.

Hearing that, the boy slowly loosened his hold. Naruto shrugged them off and walked away
The little fox whimpered in his arm, "Shhh... Its alright. I'll take care of you." He cooed at the poor creature. Children could be so cruel!

Getting back home, Naruto silently went inside his room. He opened his rather pitiful first aid box and began treating the creature to the best of his abilities.

"Thank you."

"Oh, no need to thank-" Naruto froze mid speech, "Did you just talk?"
Naruto brought the kit to eye level, but the only reply he got was a lick to the face and a yip.

"I am sure I just heard..." He watched as the little fox tilted its head.
"I must be imagining things..." He mumbled and got back to wrapping up the little fox.

"I look like a mummy."

"Well that's the best I can-" Naruto snapped looking at the mummified fox, " Wait just a- you talked! Again! And don't act all innocent."

The fox once again just yipped at him.

Naruto pouted and crossed his arm.

"Okay, okay. Stop pouting." The fox said.

"Aha! You do talk,"

"Well obviously." The fox rolled its eyes. "The name's Nagin. And who are you my handsome knight?"

"Naruto." He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well Naruto, you just got yourself a familiar. Happy? Of course you are, its not everyday you get an awesome familiar like myself. Oh and am a girl by the way, if you didn't guess already."

Naruto looked at the fox kit with wide eyes. "You're going to be my familiar?"

"Yes Naru chan. We will be inseperable from now on." The fox kit said dramatically.

Naruto chuckled. "So are you a summon?"

"A summon? Nope. Am an entirely different kind. You see am a shape shifter. I was taking a stroll as a fox when those kids found me. And man! Those kids are vicious.! I have seen giant snakes friendlier than them."

"Why'd you let them hurt you like that? You should've shifted into a more powerful form and fought them off."

"I can't. If a shifter without a master shifts infront of a human, it is like accepting them as his/her master. And I would be damned if I let one of those idiots become my master."

"I see" Naruto nodded.

And then right before his eyes Nagin shifted into a golden serpent.

"There... Now the contract issss complete, you are officiiially my masssster."

"Aren't you a bit too eager to make me your master?"

"Well, you are kind, ssssmart and cute. I would be damned ifff I let ssssomeone like you go. Thissss way I can alssso avoid situationssss like earlier from now on... No more fear of humansss seeing me ssshift."

The golden serpent once again shifted into a fluffy fox and yawned.
"Am tired... Gonna take a nap."
With that she jumbed into his lumpy bed and curled up until she got comfortable and slept.

"I can't believe I got a familiar just like that." Naruto mumbled in disbelief before he shrugged.
"Might as well take a nap" with that he curled up around Nagin and slept.

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