The Cursed Child (II)

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"What? What curse?" Naruto asked bewildered.

Kyuubi sighed, "You saw the outline of the mark right?"

Naruto nodded.

"I believe the mark is the mark of Eien. It is the mark of the Curse of Eternal Madness."

Naruto's eyes were wide and scared.

Kyuubi smiled awkwardly trying to comfort him.

"I am going to go crazy?!"

Kyuubi looked at Naruto sadly, "It's more than that kid. The mark... It means that you are the next chosen wielder of the Sword of Eien. One of the most powerful weapons that exists in the human realm though only a few actually believe in its existence."

"And what does this sword have to do with the whole 'curse of eternal madness'?"

Kyuubi sighed, "Every wielder of the sword have, with time, succumbed to the curse of madness and in the end they..."

"Become homicidal maniacs?" Naruto asked looking down.

"Yeah." Kyuubi whispered quietly.

Naruto didn't know what to think. Did his parents know about this? Is that why they treated him like this, because he was going to end up as monster?

"Is there anyway to-"

"None that I know of Naruto. If you ever come in contact with the sword, you will be unable to resist it's pull. And if you wield the sword the madness will follow."

"I see... Nagin knew about this." Naruto stated quietly.

"If she saw the mark she would have figured it out."

"So she left me..."

Kyuubi shook his head sadly, "Kid I might not know her much but she does love you like you're her kit. I don't know why she left but I have a feeling she would be back... So give her the benefit of the doubt."

Naruto nodded. Something flickered across his peripheral vision.

"Huh?" Naruto turned to look at the corner but there was nothing there.

"Did you see something?" He turned to ask Kyuubi only to find that he was alone in the room.

"Kyuubi?" He called softly and looked around in confusion.

He heard a sound from behind him. It was almost like the ruffling of feathers...

Naruto was confused as he woke up. He wondered what had happened and where he was.

Blinking his eyes open, he felt something small and soft snuggled against his side.

He looked down confused.

There was a puppy snuggled against his side.


His mind supplied helpfully. He was still a bit disoriented but he knew that Nagin had left him. Or so he had assumed. But now she was back and he was happy.

The puppy barked and licked him in concern. Naruto was about to voice his thoughts to Nagin when the other person in the room made themselves known.

Naruto looked up sharply when Minato stepped out of the shadows.

Nagin growled and barked in a way that was meant to be intimidating but there wasn't anything intimidating about it when she was a puppy barely a foot tall.

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