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"What are we supposed to do?" Naruto asked once they had settled into their hotel rooms.

Yuki glanced at the boy. He looked exhausted, the lack of proper sleep, and the drama from the lastfew weeks taking its toll on the boy.

"We can try and contact Kurama and Nagin," Yuki says softly. 

Naruto looked away from the concern he could see in Yuki's face and nods. 

Tsunade and Shizune had taken the room next to theirs giving Yuki and Naruto the privacy of the second room. 

"You should try and get some sleep while I try to contact them," Yuki said and when she saw him start to protest she added sternly, "that wasn't a suggestion."

Naruto still looked like he wanted to protest but more than that, he looked scared.

Yuki sighed and fished out a small glass vial containing a light green concoction. 

"Take this," Naruto looked at her curiously, "It will keep the nightmares away."

Yuki dumped the vial in his hand and wordlessly went back to unpacking. 

"Don't make a habit of it," she warns, and then her gaze softens, "I know you have nightmares... We all know. We aren't going to push you to speak but Naruto," She gently cups his face, "we're here for you."

Naruto could feel the sting of tears in his eyes and he nods through his blurred vision. Thanking her with a hoarse voice.

When Yuki steps back with a concerned face and he tries, he tries so hard, to tell her. About the nightmares that keeps getting terrifying as days pass but he can't recall when he wakes up but every time he speaks his throat closes up and it gets hard to breathe. Its just easier not to say anything.  


Minato entered the study to find his son sitting on the corner, shoulders hunched, and looking wrecked.

"Menma," he calls again softly and moves towards his son. Minato understands clearly how this could be affecting his son. The truth was difficult to bear.

Menma looks at Minato, his eyes are bloodshot and glassy, and rasps, "How can I trust you?"

"What?" Minato stops short because that was not what he expected.

"How can I trust you?" Menma asks again crying softly, "I want to. I want to but I can't! You lied and manipulated us so much... How can I trust that this 'curse' and the 'prophecy' are the truth?"

Minato is left speechless while his son cries. Mito had trusted them, he thinks, Mito did not question him whether she could trust them or not. In a way, Minato had thought that Menma would trust them too. Now he understands it's not that simple, not when he, they, had destroyed their children's faith so thoroughly.

Knowing that Menma needs this Minato asks, "How can I make you believe it? What proof do you need?"

Menma makes a sad, frustrated sound and shouts, "I don't know! I don't know... Please..."

Minato thinks even Menma isn't aware of what he is pleading for.

God, they're all just children, Minato thinks, Naruto, Menma, and Mito, they're all just children. His children, their children. Why did this have to happen to them?

Please, Menma thinks, make me believe. I want to trust you but I can't. I just want everything to be okay again.

That thought stops Menma short because what is 'okay'? Things had never been 'okay'. It had always been lies and manipulation.

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